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[ptp-user] Problem Debugging MPI program PTP


I am trying to shift to PTP/Eclipse for debugging my MPI programs. Currently, I am testing the sample PI calculation program by running it Local. While the program runs fine with a parallel "Run" configuration for the local system, I keep getting the following error when trying to debug:

d4317265-02aa-4af6-91a4-52a73966900f: FAILED
Use of uninitialized value $response in pattern match (m//) at /root/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 150.
cannot subscript something of type `<data variable, no debug info>'
Error reading MPIR_proctable at /root/.eclipsesettings/rms/MPICH2/ line 66.
#PTP job_id=23885
Ctrl-C caught... cleaning up processes

My configurations are:
Eclipse Standard/SDK        Version:
Eclipse Platform        Version: 4.4.0.v20140606-1558
Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers        Version:
Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools        Version:

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
#36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Before getting this error, I received a couple of Perl errors, which i resolved by updating some of the perl packages.

Any insight/help will be much appreciated.

Hafiz Fahad

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