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[ptp-user] Testing the next releases of PTP and Parallel package

For the brave helpful souls that want to help us test...
Please help us assure the next release of PTP and the "Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers" is as bug-free as possible!

Today two pre-release builds are available on the "Developer Builds" page of the eclipse downloads page
1. Juno SR2 - release candidate 3
2. Kepler M5 (milestone 5, final GA is next June) -

This was a busy week in that the Juno (last year's) and Kepler (this year's) builds coincided the same week.
If you only have time to try one, try the Juno (SR2 = Service Release 2, the final release of Juno) build - we're so close to final release (which is Feb. 22) we only have one more build ... next week!)

P.S. servers will be down tomorrow, Saturday while they move the data center


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

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