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Re: [ptp-user] Remote Indexing Issue with PTP 6.0.3 and Remote Indexing Patch

CDT patch for UNC names in include paths is on the SC12 tutorials page
and should be in the Juno SR2 release of Eclipse/CDT shortly.  (That's one of the things I want to test today.) - I've been told it's been fixed in CDT now.

This is *not* a "remote indexing" patch.  This is a patch to CDT to correctly use the UNC syntax of //connection/path/to/remote/file for local indexing.
Remote Indexing is used by remote projects - it happens on the remote system and the results are brought to the workstation over the connection.
I assume you're using a synchronized project, where the files are mirrored on both local and remote, indexing works locally
(utilizing UNC path to find remote files) and build is usually done on the remote target.


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Inactive hide details for Corey Ashford ---02/07/2013 08:07:50 PM---Hi Greg and/or Derek, Can you point me at the CDT patch youCorey Ashford ---02/07/2013 08:07:50 PM---Hi Greg and/or Derek, Can you point me at the CDT patch you are referring to?  I googled


Corey Ashford <cjashfor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


PTP User list <ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>,


02/07/2013 08:07 PM


Re: [ptp-user] Remote Indexing Issue with PTP 6.0.3 and Remote Indexing Patch

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Hi Greg and/or Derek,

Can you point me at the CDT patch you are referring to?  I googled
around the ptp and cdt mailing lists and couldn't seem to find anything
matching those terms.


- Corey

On 02/07/2013 03:53 PM, Greg Watson wrote:
> Hi Derek,
> Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.
> The fact that you're seeing the warning about the folder also seems to indicate that the CDT patch is not working. There should be no warnings with this patch enabled, so this may be the issue.
> It's possible the problem is also because you're using an RSE connection rather than a Remote Tools connection. I'm not sure what affect having both an RSE and Remote Tools connection with the same name would do. I'd suggest using only a Remote Tools connection and removing all the RSE connections to see if that helps. Support for UNC paths is only implemented for Remote Tools currently, and we don't have any plans to extend this to RSE.
> The syntax you're using is correct:
> //connection_name/path/to/includes
> The connection_name must be the name you specified when creating the Remote Tools connection. A host name or IP address will not work here. When you create the Remote Tools connection, either a host name or IP can be used for the remote address, however.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Greg
> On Jan 31, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Derek Wood <derek.a.wood@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It's possible I'm doing something wrong because it seems that this feature seems to work for others (I read the recent thread near the beginning of this month related to this).
>> I am using PTP 6.0.3 (upgraded from 6.0.2) and installed the remote indexing patch.
>> I'm setting up my synchronized project, running Eclipse on a Windows machine to my development Linux machine.  I'm doing this by following the SC12 tutorial slides.
>> The connection I set up through RSE is SSH-only and this appears to work fine.  When I make a change in my files in Eclipse, they sync over to the development machine as expected.  I even have it working with Git, fantastic :)
>> However, currently I am receiving many "Field .. could not be resolved" errors because I did not set up my include paths.  I tried to follow the steps in the slides, particularly where you go to Preprocessor Include Paths -> C++ -> CDT User Setting Entries -> Add... and enter the following:
>> //connection_name/usr/local/include
>> (selecting Filesystem from dropdown)
>> I receive a warning "The selected folder does not exist or not accessible."
>> I am sure my connection_name matches the name of the connection that I set up, the one that I am using successfully.  The connection_name refers to the Remote Tools name?
>> I believe I have both a RSE connection and a Remote Tools connection with the same name (to cover my bases).  There is a connection mentioned i the "Remote Environments" tab that has status "Running" (I believe this is the Remote Tools connection?) as well as an connection listed in the Remote System Explorer perspective (I believe this is the RSE connection?)
>> Any ideas?
>> Also, I set up my connection by using IP, not hostname, as the remote machine is not on DNS and I do not have permission to edit my /etc/hosts file on Windows.  I assume connection_name points to the name I give it and not the hostname.  Hopefully this isn't an issue.  I tried //IP//usr/local/include as well and it didn't seem to work.  I really prefer not to use Samba as currently the Samba configuration only lets me see my home directory from my mapped network drive; I need to reference headers in /usr.
>> I also tried C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Source and setting a Linked Directory.  This was causing Eclipse to "kind of hang" and I had to ultimately delete my project.  I can elaborate on this if needed.
>> Thank you very much.
>> Derek
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