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Re: [ptp-user] Issues with synchronized projects

1. no local toolchain - very common scenario.
    The new synchronized project wizard has selections for both Remote and Local toolchains.
    If there isn't a local one, just leave the default at the top of the list "-- Other Toolchain --" selected
    Do you see that in your UI???  You should

2. I defer to Jeff or others

3. Remote paths - be sure to use a UNC-style path on the remote machine
     go to the bottom of that page under "Remote Include Paths"
    The gist of it is:
    Add new paths to the remote include directories using UNC notation //connection_name/usr/include where 'connnection_name' is the name of the connection you specified...for example, to add the include path /usr/include using the connection that you previously configured, you would use the path //

4. See 2.


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Inactive hide details for "Dr. David E Hudak" ---07/05/2012 02:44:18 PM---Hi All, We have been working with Indigo and have swi"Dr. David E Hudak" ---07/05/2012 02:44:18 PM---Hi All, We have been working with Indigo and have switched to Juno.  I have a couple of observations


"Dr. David E Hudak" <dhudak@xxxxxxx>


PTP User list <ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>,


07/05/2012 02:44 PM


[ptp-user] Issues with synchronized projects

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Hi All,

We have been working with Indigo and have switched to Juno.  I have a couple of observations which may be (or may indicate) bugs or just my lack of experience with the environment.  

1.  I would like to support users who do not have a local toolchain - they are likely Windows or Mac users whose environment does not match the clusters (no local MPI installation, don't have Intel or PGI compilers).  Right now, I have to just tell them to select "Linux GCC" on the remote side and "Cygwin GCC" on the local side (see attachment), and then uncheck the "Debug_with_Cygwin GCC" and "Release_with_Cygwin GCC" configurations.  That seems ponderous.  Can I have a "No Local Toolchain" option?

2.  I am able to use the module system to set the remote build environment using the "C/C++ Build/Environment Management"  page.  Building works (though mpicc is really using icc under the covers and not GCC as reported by Eclipse - I am assuming that is a relic of selecting the "Linux GCC" remote side toolchain in the project constructor (see attachment).  
    14:16:24 **** Clean-only build of configuration Debug_with_Linux GCC_remote for project mpipi ****
    make clean

    **** Environment configuration script temporarily stored in /tmp/ptpscript_C82GxT ****
    module purge >/dev/null 2>&1
    module load modules/1.0
    make clean
    rm -rf  ./src/mpipi.o  ./src/mpipi.d  mpipi

    14:16:30 Build Finished (took 6s.438ms)

    14:16:30 **** Build of configuration Debug_with_Linux GCC_remote for project mpipi ****
    make all

    **** Environment configuration script temporarily stored in /tmp/ptpscript_RlL1Nm ****
    module purge >/dev/null 2>&1
    module load modules/1.0
    make all
    Building file: ../src/mpipi.c
    Invoking: GCC C Compiler
    mpicc -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/mpipi.d" -MT"src/mpipi.d" -o "src/mpipi.o" "../src/mpipi.c"
    Finished building: ../src/mpipi.c

    Building target: mpipi
    Invoking: GCC C++ Linker
    mpicc  -o "mpipi"  ./src/mpipi.o  
    Finished building target: mpipi

    14:16:38 Build Finished (took 7s.311ms)

3.  The include paths discovered in the project are all local-side include paths.  Remote-side symbols like MPI_COMM_WORLD and MPI_CHAR are not found.  If I try to manually add a remote-side include path using the "C/C++ General/Paths and Symbols" screen, it complains that the path cannot be found (so I guess it is looking at the local side).  Note that I am still able to add a remote path with a remote project.  

4.  Now, to try to run the job, I create a
    #PBS -q parallel
    #PBS -N mpipi
    #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=12
    #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
    MPI_ARGS="-np 24"
    if [ "-np" == "${MPI_ARGS}" ] ; then
    if [ -n "${COMMAND}" ] ; then
    COMMAND="${COMMAND} ${MPI_ARGS} /nfs/07/dhudak/mpipi/Debug_with_Linux GCC_remote/mpipi "
    COMMAND="/nfs/07/dhudak/mpipi/Debug_with_Linux GCC_remote/mpipi "
    cd /nfs/07/dhudak

Unfortunately, the space between "Linux" and "GCC" in the COMMAND causes the following problem:
    mpiexec: Error: stat_exe: /nfs/07/dhudak/mpipi/Debug_with_Linux: No such file or directory.

I would think that the script generator would know to look for spaces and escape them appropriately.  

David E. Hudak, Ph.D.          
Program Director, HPC Engineering
Ohio Supercomputer Center

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