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Re: [ptp-user] IBM Parallel Environment (Eclipse Iuno RC3 Build id: 20120606-2254)



I’m seeing some strange issues on PTP6/RC4, running on a Windows 7 64 bit box as the client platform, a variety of linux clusters as the remote target – I was wondering what OS you are running on your desktop/laptop?





From: ptp-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ptp-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Christoph Pospiech
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:27 AM
To: ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Achim Boemelburg; Holger Holthoff
Subject: [ptp-user] IBM Parallel Environment (Eclipse Iuno RC3 Build id: 20120606-2254)


On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 17:52:14 Dr. Christoph Pospiech wrote:

> Specifying the application is a real challenge. The browse button lets you

> find  the correct binary, but in my case at least this led to the following

> error message.

> "Application file does not exist".

> Retrying to set the application via the browse button now generates a wrong 

> path like this.

> <project_root>/bin/serial_mesh_test/serial_mesh_test

> The correct path would have been

> <project_root>/bin/serial_mesh_test

> Manually correcting the path does not always work. Sometimes you have to 

> submit ignorantly with the wrong path, ignore the expected error message

> and  then retry setting the application path manually. Then the job submits

> correctly.

> To me this looks like a bug.


Same for run configurations->Parallel 

Applications->target system configuration "IBM Parallel Environment"



Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards


Dr. Christoph Pospiech

High Performance & Parallel Computing

Phone: +49-351 86269826

Mobile: +49-171-765 5871

E-Mail: christoph.pospiech@xxxxxxxxxx


IBM Deutschland GmbH / Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter

Geschäftsführung: Martina Koederitz (Vorsitzende), Reinhard Reschke, Dieter Scholz, Gregor Pillen, Joachim Heel, Christian Noll

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Ehningen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 14562 / WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 99369940


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