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[ptp-user] How to build sdm executable


I just installed eclipse with PTP (updated to 5.0.7) on a new machine.
I can run code with Open MPI without problems (on localhost). Now I
want to launch parallel debugger "sdm" (on localhost). According to
the help page (PTP->Parallel Debugging section):

If you are debugging on the local machine, this path should point to
the sdm executable in your Ecilpse installation's
plugins/org.eclipse.ptp.os.arch_version/bin directory, where
os.arch_version is your operating system (linux, macosx, or aix),
architecture (x86, x86_64, or ppc), and version number of the plugin
But in my eclipse's plugins directory, I see (among other things):


-- only the .jar files but no "directory". What is the procedure to
create the required directory and build sdm from these .jar files?



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