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Re: [ptp-user] Remote Indexing

On Apr 14, 2011, at 1:13 PM, Beth Tibbitts wrote:

>Ignoring the indexing problems I am having...
Getting in on this conversation late, sorry Dave...

Just been working with some users and couldn't get indexing to run on a remote project,
and the problem ended up being that java wasn't available on the remote system.
And then that the java version needed to be 1.5 and not 1.4

Java looks to be the right version:

dhudak@opt-login02 504%> java -version
java version "1.5.0_08"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_08-b03)
BEA JRockit(R) (build R27.1.0-109-73164-1.5.0_08-20061129-1415-linux-x86_64, compiled mode)

Also look in your <home>/.eclipseseetings dir you should see a remote-rdt.jar file;
make sure it's there.

Nope, but pbs_proxy.jar and rdt-server.jar were there:

dhudak@opt-login02 506%> ls .ecl*
total 6676
1476 dpd-parallel.pdom         0 job50511qsub.o5175971     0 job60861qsub.o5175750     8 itsatest.pdom
   4 job50511qsub.e5175971     4 job60861qsub.e5175750   228 pbs_proxy.jar          4956 rdt-server.jar

Also some related problems with logins and passwords not working, with no visible complaints from the UI -
so look in your <workspace>/.metadata/.log file to see if anything looks suspicious.

Lots of stuff like the following:

!ENTRY org.eclipse.ptp.rdt.core 2 0 2011-04-14 13:03:04.078
!MESSAGE Indexer: Unresolved inclusion: <stddef.h> in file: /usr/include/gconv.h:31.  Please re-configure project's remote include paths or symbols.

...and stddef.h is not in /usr/include

In the lower right of your workbench you should see a Remote process continually running.
Double click on it and you will see a Progress(?) view with the remote process as well as e.g. the Indexing process.
See if you see anything about the indexer running when you force the Indexer to run (rightmouse on
the C/C++ project, select Index > Rebuild). You should see it appear for at least a few sec.

Yes, it does. 



Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

<graycol.gif>David E Hudak ---04/14/2011 12:05:01 PM---Hi All, Ignoring the indexing problems I am having, I moved on to building and launching.

David E Hudak <dhudak@xxxxxxx>
PTP User list <ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>
04/14/2011 12:05 PM
[ptp-user] Cannot create run configuration
    Sent by:

Hi All,

Ignoring the indexing problems I am having, I moved on to building and launching.

Building through PTP (using Remote Tools) works fine. I can even find MPI artifacts!

I was able to create a PBS Resource Manager for our cluster. I started the resource manager and I can see the compute nodes of the cluster in the machine list and the Jobs List is showing an existing PBS job I submitted. So that looks good.

Now, I go to create a launch configuration and there are two errors. The first is on the application tab and the second is on the debugger tab. The application one is easy to fix - specify the name of the executable. The second error is:

[Debugger]: SDM path is invalid

And, as a result, the "apply" and "run" buttons are greyed out. I do not plan to do debugging on this PBS job - how can disable the debugger?

David E. Hudak, Ph.D. dhudak@xxxxxxx
Program Director, HPC Engineering
Ohio Supercomputer Center

ptp-user mailing list

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David E. Hudak, Ph.D.          dhudak@xxxxxxx
Program Director, HPC Engineering
Ohio Supercomputer Center

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