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[ptp-user] PTP and remote includes

Hi All,

I have Eclipse v3.6.2 on my Mac OS X v10.6.8 and am running
  PTP Core Components

I have a set of C files in a directory on OSC's cluster for a parallel application using MPI and Global Arrays (GA) Toolkit.

I have been able to create a Remote C project on my Mac and point it at the directory on the cluster.

I have edited the project properties to add remote includes for 4 directories (my properties file is appended below):

Now, if I look at a file that has #include <ga.h>, I can double-click in the outline and it opens the GA header file from the cluster.  Same thing with mpi.h.  So, the first 3 directories are correctly found on the remote cluster.  

However, if I double-click on stdio.h or stdlib.h, it either says there is no file associated with that file or it opens the local copy of the header file on my Mac!  

I think eclipse is looking in the local /usr/include - as the project explorer shows files in the local file system under the "includes" "usr/include" folder.

Any insight on what I am doing wrong?  How can I tell Eclipse I want /usr/include on the remote system?

David E. Hudak, Ph.D.          dhudak@xxxxxxx
Program Director, HPC Engineering
Ohio Supercomputer Center

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section name="org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.wizards.settingswizards.IncludePaths">
<language name="holder for library settings">

<language name="Assembly">

<language name="UPC">

<language name="GNU C++">

<language name="GNU C">

<language name="Fortran">


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