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Re: [ptp-user] Output from unsuccessful attempts to run TAU from Eclipse

Ah, I see.  When TAU is configured with -TRACE it generates trace
files, but no profile files.  If you select a makefile with out the
-trace option you should get profile output.  You could also try
setting the environment variable TAU_PROFILE to '1' in your eclipse
launch environment.  Please let me know if this works.

The trace output being produced is not handled by tau-eclipse by
default.  If you navigate to the directory containing this data,
though, you can run
 This will merge all of the trace files.  Then run
tau2slog2 tau.trc tau.edf -o tau.slog2
This will create a tau.slog2 file which you can view in the jumpshot
trace viewer by running
jumpshot tau.slog2


On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Constantinos Delistavrou
<delistavrou@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I'm replying...
>> Can you confirm that the application has run successfully, and that it
>> does so when launched from the PTP without TAU?
> Yes, it is a simple application that runs successfully either launched from
> command line or from within PTP.
>> If you can access the instrumented binary generated by the TAU build, can
>> you launch it from
>> the command line and confirm that no profile data is created?
> I guess that the TAU-instrumented binary is in folder
> "Release__tau-t1-mpi-pdt-profile-trace__tau-t1-mpi-pdt-profile-trace" (the
> latest in my workspace's folder).
> So, when I run the instrumented executable from command line, I get the
> following output...
> mpiuser@n00:~/workspace1/demo1/Release__tau-t1-mpi-pdt-profile-trace__tau-t1-mpi-pdt-profile-trace$
> mpirun -np 4 ./demo1
> Num processes: 4
> Process 0 received "Greetings from process 1!"
> Process 0 received "Greetings from process 2!"
> Process 0 received "Greetings from process 3!"
> Process 1 received "Hi, how are you?"
> Process 2 received "Hi, how are you?"
> Process 3 received "Hi, how are you?"
> PI is approximately 3.1415926535897931
> hello world from Costas
> Error: TauTraceFlush(0): Fd is -1. Trace file not initialized
> ERROR in configuration. Trace file not initialized. If this is an MPI
> application, please ensure that TAU MPI wrapper library is linked. If not,
> please ensure that TAU_PROFILE_SET_NODE(id); is called in the program (0 for
> sequential).
> Error: TauTraceFlush(0): Fd is -1. Trace file not initialized
> ERROR in configuration. Trace file not initialized. If this is an MPI
> application, please ensure that TAU MPI wrapper library is linked. If not,
> please ensure that TAU_PROFILE_SET_NODE(id); is called in the program (0 for
> sequential).
> Error: TauTraceFlush(0): Fd is -1. Trace file not initialized
> ERROR in configuration. Trace file not initialized. If this is an MPI
> application, please ensure that TAU MPI wrapper library is linked. If not,
> please ensure that TAU_PROFILE_SET_NODE(id); is called in the program (0 for
> sequential).
> Error: TauTraceFlush(0): Fd is -1. Trace file not initialized
> ERROR in configuration. Trace file not initialized. If this is an MPI
> application, please ensure that TAU MPI wrapper library is linked. If not,
> please ensure that TAU_PROFILE_SET_NODE(id); is called in the program (0 for
> sequential).
> mpiuser@n00:~/workspace1/demo1/Release__tau-t1-mpi-pdt-profile-trace__tau-t1-mpi-pdt-profile-trace$
> But when I compile and run the same source file from command line, it runs
> fine and produces some output .edf and .trc files.
> mpiuser@n00:~/workspace1/demo1/src$ demo1.c -o d1
> Debug: Parsing with PDT Parser
> Executing> /mirror/mpiuser/pdtoolkit3.16/i386_linux/bin/cparse demo1.c
> -I/mirror/mpiuser/t/include -DPROFILING_ON -DTAU_GNU
> -I/mirror/mpiuser/mpich2/include
> Debug: Instrumenting with TAU
> Executing> /mirror/mpiuser/t/i386_linux/bin/tau_instrumentor demo1.pdb
> demo1.c -o demo1.inst.c -c
> Debug: Compiling (Individually) with Instrumented Code
> Executing> /usr/bin/gcc -I. -c demo1.inst.c -DPROFILING_ON -DTAU_GNU
> -DTAU_MPIFILE -DHAVE_TR1_HASH_MAP -DTRACING_ON -I/mirror/mpiuser/t/include
> -I/mirror/mpiuser/mpich2/include -o demo1.o
> Debug: Linking (Together) object files
> Executing> /usr/bin/gcc demo1.o -L/mirror/mpiuser/t/i386_linux/lib
> -lTauMpi-t1-mpi-pdt-profile-trace -L/mirror/mpiuser/mpich2/lib -lmpichcxx
> -lmpich -lrt -L/mirror/mpiuser/t/i386_linux/lib
> -ltau-t1-mpi-pdt-profile-trace -Wl,--export-dynamic
> -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/ -lstdc++ -lgcc_s -o d1
> Debug: cleaning inst file
> Executing> /bin/rm -f demo1.inst.c
> Debug: cleaning PDB file
> Executing> /bin/rm -f demo1.pdb
> mpiuser@n00:~/workspace1/demo1/src$ mpirun -np 4 ./d1
> Num processes: 4
> Process 0 received "Greetings from process 1!"
> Process 0 received "Greetings from process 2!"
> Process 0 received "Greetings from process 3!"
> Process 2 received "Hi, how are you?"
> Process 1 received "Hi, how are you?"
> Process 3 received "Hi, how are you?"
> PI is approximately 3.1415926535901937
> hello world from Costas
> mpiuser@n00:~/workspace1/demo1/src$ ls -l
> total 7352
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 mpiuser mpiuser 2493219 2010-11-12 22:12 d1
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 mpiuser mpiuser 2493219 2010-11-12 22:07 demo001
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 mpiuser mpiuser 2493219 2010-11-12 22:07 demo1
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser    2492 2010-11-12 20:26 demo1.c
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser    3104 2010-11-12 22:12 demo1.o
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser    1070 2010-11-12 22:14 events.0.edf
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser    1064 2010-11-12 22:14 events.1.edf
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser    1064 2010-11-12 22:14 events.2.edf
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser    1064 2010-11-12 22:14 events.3.edf
> drwxr-xr-x 2 mpiuser mpiuser    4096 2010-11-09 21:36 gem
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser    1224 2010-11-12 22:14 tautrace.0.0.0.trc
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser     936 2010-11-12 22:14 tautrace.1.0.0.trc
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser     936 2010-11-12 22:14 tautrace.2.0.0.trc
> -rw-r--r-- 1 mpiuser mpiuser     936 2010-11-12 22:14 tautrace.3.0.0.trc
> mpiuser@n00:~/workspace1/demo1/src$
> Thank you in advance,
> Constantinos

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