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[ptp-dev] Updating PTP help for PBS and SLURM - need volunteer for screenshots etc.

I have updated the PTP help to try to remove the old legacy resource-manager based information from the PTP 6.0 help for Juno SR2.  
Actually I just buried it somewhat.

I need a volunteer or two to get me some new replacement screenshots for (at least) PBS and SLURM.

I left the old ones in there for IBMPE, LL, PBS, and SLURM (but removed them from table of contents; they are linked from the more recent ones), because i think they have details that may still be useful and i don't want to completely remove them from Juno  -- I will for Kepler.
I have an updated description of IBMPE because I can actually run it myself.

I have almost no info for PBS and SLURM, because i don't have access to machines, and/or don't have the experience to run with them.
We had some really good extensive help on them from the old resource-manager based versions, so I'd like to replace that wil
the newer target-system-configuration-based versions, and the UI has changed a bit, I believe.

Just screenshots of each of the tabs in the launch configuration (esp. the Resources tab, which would be specific to that Target System Configuration) would be nice.
Any volunteers?  Descriptions would be nice too but I can write some basics myself if i have some pictures.
There are very short stubs in there for these TSCs now.
Project org.eclipse.ptp.doc.user/html/rms  is where they are.

The old docs are here
and in your eclipse workbench for PTP of course.
Note: the new docs are *not* in this week's parallel package build. next week.


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

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