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[ptp-dev] October PTP User Call TODAY

Dear PTP Users,


We will have our monthly PTP User call today, at 12:00 PM CDT/1:00 PM EDT – at

Dial-In Number(s):

U.S. & Canada: 866.740.1260

Access Code: 2444696


And on the web at, access code 2444696


Our call will be a bit different this month, primarily focused on the issues you all raised on the PTP-user list this week.  I’ll past them in for everyone’s convenience:


·         If there is time, I would like to see a demonstration of a PBS Interactive resource manager.

·         I'm not sure if this is appropriate for the call, but I'd like to take the chance to re-raise the issue …


o   C/C++ Remote Application debugging: windows local host and linux remote host, g++/gdb build/debug. There is no way to map the remote source path/line number back to a local file in the project, so breakpoints can't be placed on source files in the project, making the debugger feature largely useless. Possible solution: a new 'container' type in the Launch Configuration source lookup path that maps a remote path to a path within the project.


o   The only thing stopping this 'standard' windows/linux development mechanism is this problem with mapping breakpoints.


o   I know the focus for this project is parallel development, but fixing this issue would make a great many people happy who want to develop linux applications remotely from a windows host.

·         It would be interesting to see different scenarios of debugging, profiling, memory control for different types of projects (local, remote, synchro).


o   for a large-size code it would be very practical to introduce a REGION derectives that could be used as refactoring option.


o   ( like in C#
#region RegionName

o   #endregion

o   )


o   and for the future it would be nice to increase the performance of Photran indexer if possible


o   also for Photran I did not find Collapse All / Expande All in Folding options (like it is in CDT C/C++)

o   as well as automatic format of a source code using different styles of coding


o   spliting (vertical, horizontal) of the code edit window, perhaps it already exists, but I did not find it too



I’d also like to remind everyone of our tutorial at SC11, on Sunday, November 13, and our PTP User Meeting, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Nov. 16 in the Aspen Room at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel, 1400 6th Ave., Seattle. This event is supported by a Software Infrastructure for Sustained Innovation grant from the National Science Foundation and by IBM.





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