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Re: [ptp-dev] [ptp-user] PTP Users call this week?

Here is a list in case we can't organize something in time:

300435norP3Windows XPg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXECreating remote directory with spaces should not end up with backslash in final name
349230norP3Linuxg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXE[Linux] Next button is not active on first RM configuration page when creating a new RM
352527enhP3Allg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXEduplicate icons for System Monitor and Parallel Runtime perspectives
353418norP3Linuxc.knobloch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxCLOSFIXEReducing dependencies in org.eclipse.ptp.rm.lml.core (Milestone 5.0.2)
353768norP3Allc.knobloch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxCLOSFIXEPBS-ResourceManager did not start (for milestone PTP 5.0.2)
353774norP3Mac OS X - Cocg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXEGNU managed project types not visible in new project wizard
353808triP3Linuxg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXETypo: caculate to calculate
353813norP3Allarossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXE[JAXB] Unable to specify account on Simple PBS Settings tab
353864norP3Linuxg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXESDM double free or corruption (out) problem
353927majP3Windows XPg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXERemote port forwarding increments in-use port but does not restart the forwarding process
354097norP3Allg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXEFix package exports
354180norP3Allc.knobloch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXEPotential NPE in LMLResourceManagerMonitor#doShutdown()
354375norP3Allrecoskie@xxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXEbuilding with an incorrect build command should present a meaningful error message
354734norP3Linuxptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxxCLOSFIXEImprovement of persistent storage of the TableView layout
354893norP3Allptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxxCLOSFIXEObscure file names caused sync to fail
354958norP3Allptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxxCLOSFIXE[LML] Jobs appear in views with incorrect status
355110norP3Allrecoskie@xxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXENPE in when using the local indexing provider
356214norP3Allg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXE[LML] Need to be able to specify paths of remote commands
356257majP3Allg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXE[LML] Using two RMs simultaneously corrupts Active/Inactive views
356869norP3Allg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXE[LML] Some RMs do not display jobs correctly in Active/Inactive tables
356946norP3Allg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXE[LML] DA_driver reports a different job to the one launched for Open MPI
357244norP3Allg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXELaunching job when RM is not started results in bogus message
357330norP3Allg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXE[JAXB] Unable to submit interactive job
357563norP3Linuxg.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOFIXEOut of bounds exception from System Monitor view

On Sep 26, 2011, at 9:38 PM, David E Hudak wrote:

Would it be possible to get a brief review of features in the latest update (5.0.2)?

On Sep 26, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Jay Alameda wrote:

The rumors are true!  The page has the topic and new time (1pm ET), I hope everyone comes to hear about how to use source repositories with synchronized projects – something we all have been wanting to see for some time.  John Eblen and Roland Schulz will show us this new capability, followed by a discussion of issues important to our user community.
From: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Beth Tibbitts
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 9:09 AM
To: PTP User List; ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ptp-dev] PTP Users call this week?

Is there a PTP Users call this week?  Wednesday?
Did I hear a rumor that it's an hour earlier than usual (e.g. 1 pm ET instead of 2 pm ET?)


Beth Tibbitts 
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

ptp-user mailing list

David E. Hudak, Ph.D.          dhudak@xxxxxxx
Program Director, HPC Engineering
Ohio Supercomputer Center

ptp-user mailing list

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