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Re: [ptp-dev] Getting URI for file in a synchronized project

I had what you proposed as my first attempt, except that I had to add a call to toString() since the Path class constructor only accepts String parameters, so I had the following

location = connection
        .toURI(new Path(file.getLocation().append(file.getProjectRelativePath()).toString()));

I was still getting null for location, so I added a print statement

System.out.println("File: " + file.getLocation().append(file.getProjectRelativePath()).toString());

The output from the print statement is File: C:/source/runtime-EclipseApplication-shallow/shallow_sync/shallow/shallow, which is pointing to my local filesystem project location and the filename itself appears twice

I tried changing the statement to

location = connection
        .toURI(new Path(project.getLocation().append(file.getProjectRelativePath()).toString()));

That fixed the problem with the filename appearuing twice but still does not resolve the location to the remote file location, and I'm still getting null as a result.

Re: [ptp-dev] Getting URI for file in a synchronized project

Greg Watson to: Parallel Tools Platform general developers
09/23/2011 10:30 AM

Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Please respond to Parallel Tools Platform general developers


This isn't quite what I said to do. You need to concatenate the synchronized project location with the file name to obtain the path on the remote machine, then pass this to toURI():

...toUri(new Path(build.getLocation()).append(file.getName()));


On Sep 22, 2011, at 9:43 PM, Dave Wootton wrote:

John, Roland
I'm trying to get a URI for a file that is in a synchronized project using the following code

                       location =
try {
if (project.getNature(RemoteSyncNature.NATURE_ID) != null) {
                                       IManagedBuildInfo buildInfo;

                                       buildInfo = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildInfo(project);

if (buildInfo != null) {
                                               IConfiguration config;

                                               config = buildInfo.getDefaultConfiguration();

if (config != null) {
                                                       BuildScenario build;

                                                       IRemoteConnection connection;

                                                       build = BuildConfigurationManager.getInstance()



                                                       connection = build.getRemoteConnection();

                                                       location = connection



new Path(file.getLocation().toString()));


else {
                                       location = file.getLocationURI();


catch (CoreException e) {


I'm starting with an IFile object named 'file' which I'm getting from an IStructuredSelection object where the user has right clicked on a file in the synchronized project and clicked my menu entry in the popup menu.

When the project is a synchronized project, location ends up being set to null where the toURI method is returning null for the Path it is given.

file.getLocation.toString() is returning the full path to the requested file on the local system, not the remote system, so it looks like the toURI method is failing somewhere in translating this to a remote system URI.

Is this the correct way to get the remote file URI or should I be doing this differently?

Also, I understand that ManagedBuildManager.getBuildInfo() returns null if this is not a CDT project. Is this a correct assumption if the project is a FORTRAN project or are FORTRAN projects not supported at this time?

I'm getting warnings complaining about discouraged access due to access restrictions for RemoteSyncNature.NATUREID, BuildConfigurationManager.getBuildScenarioForBuildConfiguration, BuildConfigurationManager.getInstance, BuildScenario.getRemoteConnection and the classes BuildConfigurationManager, BuildScenario, and RemoteSyncNature. Are these warnings anything that means I will have problems with this code?


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