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[ptp-dev] Converting a plug-in to use remote resources

We started some notes on this subject last fall which I transcribed from an initial meeting at

But never got much further...
Since Renato is asking me some questions about this, I thought we ought to document it somewhere such that the next person can find it too.

Alan and Wyatt, you have worked on converting your projects recently, can you take a look and add your
own pointers to the above wiki page, of what you have to do to convert a project to work on remote resources?  I am rusty...

I remember a first step as removing references to e.g.  and replacing them with EFS (Eclipse File System)
generic classes such as org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile
I added some references to some EFS articles to the bottom of the above page (Thanks, Wyatt)

Greg, I think you did some work to use paths represented as remotelocation/path/to/File.ext sort of representation
as URIs (  Am I remembering this right?
So there was a method about getting the path from an IResource that we used instead of getPath() or something...
If you remind me, I'll add something to the wiki page above if you don't want to.


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

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