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Re: [ptp-dev] [ptp-user] June PTP User Call: Configurable Resource Managers in PTP 5.0

I *strongly* recommending downloading the slides far ahead of the call.
Since it's Eclipse Indigo release day, the servers will be *A BIT* busy, so don't wait till the last minute!
Click on the "Tutorial slides" link there at the link Jay gives below:


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Inactive hide details for "Jay Alameda" ---06/21/2011 04:35:20 PM---Dear Colleagues:"Jay Alameda" ---06/21/2011 04:35:20 PM---Dear Colleagues:


"Jay Alameda" <jalameda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


<whpc-internal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Parallel Tools Platform general developers'" <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "'PTP User list'" <ptp-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <aus@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


06/21/2011 04:35 PM


[ptp-user] June PTP User Call: Configurable Resource Managers in PTP 5.0

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Dear Colleagues:

Our next monthly PTP User Group call will be this coming Wednesday, June 22 (Eclipse 3.7 release day!) , at 1PM CDT/2PM EDT, at the following coordinates:

Step 1: Dial-In
U.S. & Canada: 866.740.1260

Access Code: 2444696

Step 2: Web Login:
Alternative web login: access, and enter Access Code 2444696

This is also documented at our monthly call wiki page, at

This month’s call will be a little bit different than previous calls. We will attempt to introduce a new feature in PTP 5.0, released on June 22, the configurable resource manager, by giving a mini-tutorial on customizing the resource manager. I’ve scheduled some additional time for the meeting, if we need it – and, I suggest you download the slides (and examples) from
and have slide 14 at the ready (perhaps as a printout, or whatever is convenient to you) to use as a guide for the tutorial – note that we have a picture of slide 14 posted to this wiki page too, in case this is more convenient. Then we’ll open up the call for your questions and discussion – all questions are welcome, and no experience is necessary to participate in the call. We hope to hear from you what is important for you to accomplish your goals.

Please let us know what you would like to see at the next user call – one new feature we have not talked about previously is the remote synchronized project.

Upcoming PTP Events:

June user call – Wednesday, June 22
TG11 tutorial – Monday, July 18 1PM CDT
TG11 Birds of a Feather – scheduled for either Tuesday or Wednesday, July 19 or 20 –
July user call – Wednesday, July 27 1PM CDT
August face to face user meeting – tentatively scheduled for week of August 22, updates coming soon!


PS - Our conference software relys on Adobe Flash to display the web content. Please test your computer (at for compatibility prior to the meeting. Please also note that some distributions of linux (Fedora Core 12, for instance) may not have Flash enabled by default, if so, please follow these steps to enable Flash on your system:

[root@rail Download]# ls
[root@rail Download]# tar xzvf flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz
[root@rail Download]# mv /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins [root@rail Download]# /usr/lib64/nspluginwrapper/npconfig -i /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/
[root@rail Download]#

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