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[ptp-dev] NPE in Remote Tools restarting resource manager

Hey can we change the subject line of this discussion? (which started out with some of us discussing slides for the PTP Users call tomorrow)


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Inactive hide details for Galen Arnold ---06/21/2011 11:00:31 AM---Al, I've got more info.  I can connect to the resource managGalen Arnold ---06/21/2011 11:00:31 AM---Al, I've got more info. I can connect to the resource manager if I first initiate RSE to the target


Galen Arnold <arnoldg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


"Albert L. Rossi" <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Beth Tibbitts/Watson/IBM@IBMUS, Rick Kufrin <rkufrin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Rui Liu <ruiliu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jay Alameda <jalameda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


06/21/2011 11:00 AM


Re: new slides


I've got more info. I can connect to the resource manager if I first initiate RSE to the target system in the remote-system-explorer perspective. That prompts me for my ssh-key passphrase. I've got 2 passwords on lincoln: kerberos, and ssh key. That's not an uncommon scenario. I suspect the authentication for the resource manager needs to be setup to handle that better.


Galen Arnold
system engineer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Albert L. Rossi" <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Galen Arnold" <arnoldg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Beth Tibbitts" <tibbitts@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Rick Kufrin" <rkufrin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Rui Liu" <ruiliu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Jay Alameda" <jalameda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 9:56:35 AM
Subject: Re: new slides


Could you post this to ptp-dev? It looks like something in remotetools connection code. I've not seen it before.

----- Galen Arnold <arnoldg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Al,
> After the presentation yesterday, I was able to setup a new PBS-Generic-Batch and use it with lincoln to submit a job. Everything worked. Once.
> I exited eclipse RC5 , got back in, and subsequent attempts to start the resource mgr yield the eclipse greeting i've come to know and love:
> NullPointerException .
> -not null
> non-void
> system engineer
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Albert L. Rossi" <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Jay Alameda" <jalameda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: "Beth Tibbitts" <tibbitts@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Rick Kufrin" <rkufrin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Galen Arnold" <arnoldg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Rui Liu" <ruiliu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 9:31:34 AM
> Subject: new slides
> Jay,
> I posted the new slides .ppt at
> The .pdf version has been updated, and a demo example XML .zip added to
> New slides:
> 1. Title
> 2. What and Why
> 12. Before
> 13. After
> 32. What is in 5.0.1
> Slide 14 is the "Steps" slide. I modified it slightly to make the last two steps correspond more explicitly to what is done.
> Unless I come up with some better example today (I'll keep thinking about it), I think I'll just follow the plan.
> I will pass over slide 8 (Wiring the XML) quickly, but mention that we may refer back to it during the course of the demo.
> I will also mention that the slides contain a step-by-step explanation of what I will be showing (slides 16-29).
> The namelist input example is at slides 30-31.
> I welcome any further suggestions as to how to make this more effective tomorrow.
> Thanks, Al

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