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Re: [ptp-dev] Respin of epp-parallel package available: RC5


I can't get a remote c/c++ project started...getting this from the "New Remote Project" dialog and it's not showing me the usual "browse" for the remote system.

 *Project location directory must be specified

Version: Indigo Release
Build id: 20110615-0604
x86 32bit

Galen Arnold
system engineer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Wootton" <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Parallel Tools Platform general developers" <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:22:41 PM
Subject: Re: [ptp-dev] Respin of epp-parallel package available: RC5

Beth suggested I download a new copy of epp-parallel RC5 and install that. 
I tried that and the problem went away. I ran several times, restarted the 
proxy and ran some more and never saw a proxy disconnect problem. There 
might still be a timing window or memory issue I was unlucky enough to 
consistently hit but not any more. The first RC5 installation still 
consistently fails.

At this point I think assume my initial RC5 install was a fluke and assume 
RC5 is ok.

From:   Dave Wootton/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS
To:     Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   06/15/2011 04:39 PM
Subject:        Re: [ptp-dev] Respin of epp-parallel package available: 
Sent by:        ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

I installed the epp-parallel package for RC5. If I try to run a PE app 
using just that package I consistently get the proxy disconnect popup. 
When I ran with the RC4 epp-parallel package I saw the popup once or twice 
and attributed it to network glitches. When I updated my PTP 5.0 workspace 
to latest code from HEAD and started a runtime instance to test, I had no 
problems. If I started the RC5 epp-parallel package, installed the plug-in 
development plugins into that copy and started a runtime instance to try 
to debug what was going on that also worked with no failures. 

So it appears there is something unique about a stand-alone epp-parallel 
RC5 package. It may be a timing or memory layout issue. 

From:        Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
To:        Parallel Tools Platform general developers 
Date:        06/15/2011 04:21 PM 
Subject:        Re: [ptp-dev] Respin of epp-parallel package available: 
Sent by:        ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 


Just to clarify, when you install RC5 into an existing Eclipse it fails, 
but EPP works? 

Which Eclipse package are you using when you install RC5? Did you install 
RC5 on top of RC4? 


On Jun 15, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Dave Wootton wrote: 

I figured I might get a clue why this was failing by installing the plugin 
development environment plugins into the RC5 EPP package and starting an 
Eclipse runtime instance. I have no PTP code in the workspace for my 
runtime instance so should be inheriting everything from my base install. 
I pointed to the same proxy as before. Running a PE app does not 
disconnect the proxy at all, everything works fine. Doing the same thing 
from the base Eclipse fails every single time. 


From:        Dave Wootton/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS 
To:        Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date:        06/15/2011 11:54 AM 
Subject:        Re: [ptp-dev] Respin of epp-parallel package available: 
Sent by:        ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 

I saw this myself once or twice with RC4 and was fine afterwards, but then 
when I used RC5 I get the disconnect every single time and cannot run 
anything. If I use a runtime session with the latest source from HEAD it 
also works fine. I'm not sure why a runtime session works but it appears 
like code in the RC5 build is slightly different from either RC4 or HEAD, 
which also doesn't make much sense. I'm not sure how to track this down. 

From:        Beth Tibbitts/Watson/IBM@IBMUS 
To:        Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date:        06/15/2011 11:12 AM 
Subject:        Re: [ptp-dev] Respin of epp-parallel package available: 
Sent by:        ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 

> I always get a proxy disconnected popup. The only change I had between 
RC4 and RC5...
Dave, I think I saw that on my remote testing yesterday afternoon the 
first time i tried to use your new fixed proxy (with our RC4)
I chalked it up to network idiosyncracies i think and retried and it 


Beth Tibbitts 
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

<Mail Attachment.gif>Dave Wootton---06/15/2011 10:54:16 AM---I tried to 
create a remote project and run a PE application. I found 4 problems 
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Dave Wootton/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS 
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Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
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06/15/2011 10:54 AM 
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Re: [ptp-dev] Respin of epp-parallel package available: RC5 
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I tried to create a remote project and run a PE application. I found 4 
1) The first time I started the RC5 Eclipse and created a remote project 
Eclipse hung completely for about 2 minutes. I think I had right clicked 
on the executable in my remote project to view properties. I noticed the 
status in the lower right corner said C/.C++ indexer 0 percent for a long 
time and after the hang cleared it switched to DStore server 
2) I'm getting the following null pointer exception in the C/C++ indexer 



3) I was getting messages when I ran a PE application that looked similar 
to the build messages we were seeing previously complaining about invalid 
characters in the command and unexpected EOF in input that I was seeing 
when my windows environment variables were being passed across to the 
Linux session. Now I'm not seeing them any more. 
4) I start my PE proxy and try to run an application. I always get a proxy 
disconnected popup. The only change I had between RC4 and RC5 was to 
eliminate the setting of the MP_RESD=no environment variable setting to 
fix a problem. I backed that out and nothing changed. I grabbed the lated 
source from HEAD and ran in an Eclipse runtime session pointing to the 
same proxy and had no problem. Are there changes in the resource manager 
code related to PE proxies between RC4 and RC5 or after RC5? Any changes 
in that area or in the org.eclipse.ptp.proxy or org.eclipse.ptp.utils code 

I did attach with gdb to the proxy and it appears the proxy is just 
exiting normally 


From: Beth Tibbitts/Watson/IBM@IBMUS 
To: ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx 
Date: 06/15/2011 07:06 AM 
Subject: [ptp-dev] Respin of epp-parallel package available: RC5 
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 

This build is done - pls test and report your findings. 


Beth Tibbitts 
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511
----- Forwarded by Beth Tibbitts/Watson/IBM on 06/15/2011 07:03 AM ----- 
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Markus Knauer <mknauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
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EPP Developer Mailing List <epp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
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06/15/2011 03:05 AM 
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[epp-dev] Indigo respin - RC5 EPP packages 
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Since everybody is reading the cross-projects mailing list (you do, don't 
you?) you have seen that there is a severe bug 349105 that made it 
necessary to rebuild the Indigo common repository and as a consequence all 
EPP packages. See bug 349267 for a general overview of what's going on and 
how it is coordinated.

I started a new package build in Hudson

and its output can be found here

When this build is ready and if it is successful, I will ask for testing 
and voting once again.

Thanks, Markus_______________________________________________
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