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Re: [ptp-dev] PTP Indigo status - more recent parallel package build

There is an update to the EPP parallel package, a pre-RC2 build, at:
Look for *_eclipse-parallel-indigo* etc. for your platfrom.

These updates are now in it:
- new icon in the 'About' dialog for PTP
There's also one, probably in error, for org.eclipse.ptp.rm.jaxb with feature name "pluginName", provider "pluginProvider"
(Several other PTP features are under the main icon)
I propose making the provider for our features "Eclipse PTP" and i think they would group together under our own icon?
Greg I think you played around with this some, let me know.
- Perspective bar is pre-loaded with Parallel Runtime
Strangely enough, the perspective switcher pull-down has the Parallel Debug Perspective. Strange... but good I guess.
- Several new features from Linux Tools: libhover, changelog, gcov, gprof (already had autotools/autoconf) - these are all the features that do not REQUIRE linux
I can see them in installed features but if anyone can test that they work correctly, please do
- XML editor
- PTP update site pre-loaded in p2/update mgr
- Berkeley UPC toolchain


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Inactive hide details for Greg Watson ---05/23/2011 07:37:10 AM---Folks, Just some quick reminders. The RC1 Parallel ApplicatioGreg Watson ---05/23/2011 07:37:10 AM---Folks, Just some quick reminders. The RC1 Parallel Application Developers package is now available f


Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


05/23/2011 07:37 AM


[ptp-dev] PTP Indigo status

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Just some quick reminders. The RC1 Parallel Application Developers package is now available from the Developer Builds download site. Please continue your testing. The RC2 deadline for PTP is *tomorrow* and the Parallel Application Developers package will again be available this Friday.

Key dates:

5/24: PTP RC2 deadline
5/27: Indigo RC2 available
5/31: PTP RC3 deadline
6/03: Indigo RC3 available
6/07: PTP RC4 deadline - last opportunity for any changes in PTP
6/10: Indigo RC4 available
6/22: Indigo GA

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