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Re: [ptp-dev] Fw: Questions about JAXB parser


I think I found the bug.  There is a setValidator() method which is not being called anywhere.  I'll see if I can't fix this now.

----- Albert L. Rossi <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dave,
> I fixed the environment variable value to take the ${ptp_rm:} tag (I haven't checked it in yet), and this is what I see in the redirect:
> Executable= /u/ncsa/arossi/SC2010/simple-mpi/ring MP_PROCS_ATTR= 12 MP_PROCS= MP_PROCS_env= 12
> MP_PROCS of course is undefined, because there is no attribute in the resource manager list by that name.  Two things.
> 1.  If you separate the names from the values this way, then you will get a space on the line, because <arg> is space-delimited.  You need to do:
> <arg>MP_PROCS_ATTR=${ptp_rm:MP_PROCS_ATTR#value}</arg>
> 2.  If you don't want an undefined variable to appear at all, you should do:
> <arg isUndefinedIfMatches="MP_PROCS_ATTR=">MP_PROCS_ATTR=${ptp_rm:MP_PROCS_ATTR#value}</arg>
> then it will be eliminated if the value comes up empty.
> As for the spinner, it only accepts numerical values; you can set its min and max, but you can't do something like accepting values 1,2,3,6,11.  You would need a validator for that, as well as your alphanumeric examples.  But for processor count, I would think a Spinner is good enough (that's what I put on the PBS mpi cores attribute).
> I'll look at the validator next.
> Al
> ----- Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Al
> > I'll take a look at the spinner class to see if that does what I want. 
> > 
> > I have at least one case where the value can be numeric or one of a set of 
> > strings where I expect to use an editable dropdown/combo box and need 
> > numeric validation. I also have some values where the PE implementation 
> > accepts values like 1M instead of 1000000 and I'm thinking I want to 
> > follow that pattern, so would need validation there.
> > 
> > I'm also not sure what happens with a spinner if I enter out of range or 
> > non-numeric data. If it just beeps at me I think that's confusing since it 
> > doesn't tell me what's wrong, whether I'm entering invalid data or if the 
> > keyboard focus is somewhere where it shouldn't be.
> > 
> > The command actually does work and write to /tmp/ptp_out. I can implement 
> > a shell script which echoes environment variables and invoke that in place 
> > of the echo command to see if environment variables are being passed 
> > across in the process environment.
> > 
> > One other question. 
> > 
> > Is there a stdout or stderr parser implementation in your code that simply 
> > echoes the stdout/stderr to the console view in Eclipse? I'm using shell 
> > redirection as an alternative to that now since I'm taking this one step 
> > at a time.
> > 
> > No need for you to be on the call this morning unless you choose to. It 
> > sounds like I'm not too far off track with what I'm doing, so I can make 
> > progress until you are back at work.
> > Dave
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From:   "Albert L. Rossi" <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To:     Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Date:   05/19/2011 08:43 AM
> > Subject:        Re: [ptp-dev] Fw: Questions about JAXB parser
> > Sent by:        ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Dave,
> > 
> > I'm taking a couple of days away from work, but I have been checking my 
> > email.  I can respond initially to your questions but ultimately we'll 
> > need to revisit them.
> > 
> > First, the validator.  This may be a bug; it should work.  However, in the 
> > case of simple numerical validation, why not just use a Spinner widget for 
> > that value and forget validation in the attribute? (of course, if this is 
> > a bug, I will fix it).
> > 
> > Second, environment variables defined inside a command are precisely that; 
> > they are not defined in the scope of the resource manager configuration. 
> > So you will not get it as a substitution into the actual command that is 
> > issued; however, I would have thought the echo would get the actual 
> > environment variable from the process environment.  Two things:
> > 
> > a) as it stands, the value of the environment variable should not have the 
> > ${...} tag, this is added under the covers; try getting rid of that and 
> > see if it works.  Your usage, however, has suggested to me that it 
> > actually is better to do what you are doing, because the value may just be 
> > a constant, not a reference to a property or attribute (I had overlooked 
> > this), in which case, wrapping it in ${ptp_rm:...#value} would fail.  So I 
> > will eventually change the environment variable to work the way you have 
> > it here.
> > 
> > b) I am actually surprised this command runs at all. Do you actually get 
> > ptp_out?  I didn't think the RemoteProcessBuilder allowed explicit shell 
> > I/O redirection. 
> > 
> > I can be on the call today if you want to discuss this more.  Let me know.
> > 
> > Al
> > 
> > ----- Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > I intended to attach my XML file but hit send too soon. Trying again.
> > > Dave
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ----- Forwarded by Dave Wootton/Poughkeepsie/IBM on 05/18/2011 08:36 PM 
> > > -----
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Questions about JAXB parser
> > > 
> > > Dave Wootton 
> > > to:
> > > ptp-dev
> > > 05/18/2011 08:35 PM
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Al
> > > I have partial success with getting a working resource manager. I have a 
> > 
> > > simple XML file that defines two widgets in a dynamic tab, intended to 
> > set 
> > > MP_PROCS_ATTR and MP_HOSTFILE_ATTR attributes which each are defined as 
> > > attributes. I have a sumbit-interactive element which I use to invoke an 
> > 
> > > 'echo' command to try to display variables passed across to the remote 
> > > system. For now, I'm just redirecting stdout & stderr to a file on the 
> > > remote system by shell redirection ('echo foo > /tmp/file 2>&1')
> > > 
> > > I also have two environment variables MP_PROCS and MP_HOSTFILE which I 
> > > intende to get their values from MP_PROCS_ATTR and MP_HOSTFILE_ATTR 
> > > respectively.
> > > 
> > > When I open the run configurations, my widgets are displayed and I can 
> > > fill in values. Those values are saved across sessions. 
> > > 
> > > I have two problems
> > > 
> > > 1) If I click run in the run configuration, then look at the echo 
> > command 
> > > output, I can see the executable path and the value of the MP_PROCS_ATTR 
> > 
> > > attribute. However, I don't seem to get the value of the MP_PROCS 
> > > environment variable, either as a substitution into the args array for 
> > the 
> > > command or as an actual environment variable in the echo command.
> > > 
> > > 2) Also, I have a validator defined for MP_PROCS which I'm intending to 
> > > accept only numeric input and reject anything else. That doesn't seem to 
> > 
> > > be working.
> > > 
> > > Dave
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> > ptp-dev mailing list
> > ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > 
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