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[ptp-dev] Build errors in HEAD for rdt.ui

215. ERROR in /opt/public/download-staging.priv/tools/ptp/releng/org.eclipse.ptp_HEAD/results/plugins/org.eclipse.ptp.rdt.ui/src/org/eclipse/ptp/internal/rdt/ui/callhierarchy/CHHistoryListA\ (at line 108)
[javac] LayoutUtil.setHorizontalGrabbing(fHistoryList.getListControl(null), true);
[javac] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[javac] The method setHorizontalGrabbing(Control) in the type LayoutUtil is not applicable for the arguments (Control, boolean)

and a couple more similar ones.


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG - High Performance Computing Tools
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

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