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Re: [ptp-dev] Problems trying to create resource manager using XML framework


The bug does not lie in the RM implementation or the browse button per se; it seems to have to do with the configuration wizard.  If you choose edit after the initial connection setup, the new connection does not seem to get set.  

I started with a fresh configuration, and was able to do remote browse with the browse button, but then I stopped the RM and edited its connection to local.  I then rebooted and returned to the browse button, but still got the remote connection.  (remoteBrowse is something of a misnomer, here.  The "browseLocal" is filesystem; the browseRemote is URI-based, so if your remote connection is identical to local, you should be browsing the local system;  I think I'll rename the latter to browseUri)  Anyway, I have to see what exactly is happening there; we've had a few issues with configuration setup (which has become something of a complication because of the control/monitor separation).

However, I did notice a couple of usability issues with the browse button:

a) I had set the layout of the button to match that of the text, which is no correct;  the button will now ise the default layout data for a button (and will occupy only one column), so the layout specification on this widget is specifically for the text box.

b) Because I set the text box to read-only, you can't really scroll using the cursor inside it, so the path may not be entirely readable.  What I will do is open this up to being editable as an option.  You can always set the style of the text box to H_SCROLL, but that requires it to be a little taller vertically, which may not work in a layout.  At any rate, I should probably provide the editable option here anyway.

c) The path for the remote browse is a URI, so you'll get 'remotetools//EMBER/u/ac/arossi', for example.  Should this be just a path instead?  Perhaps I should provide an option here as to which to return.

I will make these changes and try to chase down the configuration issue.

Here we go ...


----- Albert L. Rossi <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Dave, I'm not quite sure what you are describing here.  Did you provide an executable path widget in the ResourcesTab? That is, you configured one using the browse button widget in the XML?  If so, for remote path browsing you need to use the remote-path browse button (there are two different browse widgets).  Is that what you mean, or is it something else?
> OK, seems to be a bug here with the remote browse ... I'll look at it.

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