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Re: [ptp-dev] Updates to preference page for PE, LoadLeveler and SLURM resource managers - PTP 4.0


This cleanup has been long overdue, so it sounds fine to me. I don't think the SLURM RM uses the proxy path preference either.

On a related issue, there was a problem where the PE wizard page immediately displays an error about an invalid path. This violates the wizard initialization section of the Eclipse UI guidelines. If this still happens, it would be great to fix it too.

On Apr 19, 2011, at 9:49 PM, Dave Wootton wrote:

I'm looking at bug 341592 where one of the reported problems is that the user can get stuck on the preference page for the PE, LoadLeveler or SLURM resource managers if a valid proxy pathname is not specified.

With the implementation of remote proxy support, I don't think a proxy path name in the preferences page for these resource managers makes sense any more since the path may be different on different hosts, and more importantly, since the preference page classes have no concept of access to remote systems to validate the pathname.

I fixed this by modifying the AbstractRemoteRMPreferencePage class to remove the group box and all widgets related to the proxy path name (label, text field and browse button) so that they no longer appear in the PE, LoadLeveler or SLURM preference pages.

I then modified the preferennce manager classes such as PEPreferenceManager so they no longer acces the preference storage to get the initial values for the proxy path name. This means that field in the resource manager configuration wizard will be initially blank.

I can eliminate the preference constant for server path name from RMPreferenceConstant and can eliminate the store(), defaultSetting() and handlePathBrowseButtonSelected() methods from  AbstractRemoteRMPreferencePage since the only code in those methods was related to proxy server path specification. I think I have to keep these as empty methods in PTP 4.0 since ther are defined as protected but can delete them in PTP 5.0

The other change I think I should make to these classes is to remove the Standard I/O tunnelling option from the preference page since it's not present in the rsource manager wizard page and therefore has no meaning.

If the SLURM resource manager is still depending on a default proxy specification in the preference page, then I can't make the above changes. In that case, I'd have to somehow eliminate the proxy path only for the PE and LoadLeveler resource managers and I'm not seeing a clean way to do that.

I also have some cleanup for the PE preferences because there's a couple preference settings that aren't being saved that should be save.

Does this approach make sense?
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