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Re: [ptp-dev] indigo & ptp 5 testing, pbs rm


I believe the proxy has issues.  It may be hardcoded to issue qstat -X commands, and they aren't supported (ember for sure).

But this version, if all goes as planned, will be deprecated shortly anyway.  The configurable resource mananger won't have these problems because you can just change the configuration to issue the commands that every system seems to require differently from the next (standards? what standards? is the motto of HPC sysadmins).

----- Galen Arnold <arnoldg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Somebody else should make an attempt at setting up a PBS Resource Manager in the Parallel Runtime.  I could not get it setup trying with 3 different PBS installations here at NCSA.  The same setup works fine with helios/ptp4.
> add resource mgr ...
>    remote service provider: remote tools
>    tunneling opts: ssh port forwarding
>    proxy config: (tried them all )
> ...the proxy server starts but never shows green status for the resource manager.  I can see java running on the remote machine:
> [arnoldg@honest3 ~]$ ps auxw|grep java
> arnoldg   3254  0.3  0.0  7044 1588 ?        Ss   12:07   0:00 tcsh -c /bin/sh -c 'echo "PID=$$ PIID=4" > /dev/pts/17; cd /u/ncsa/arnoldg/.eclipsesettings; java -Xms64m -Xmx128m -Xss2m ${javaargs} -jar pbs_proxy.jar --host=localhost --port=60255; '
> arnoldg   3369  0.0  0.0  5404 1108 ?        S    12:07   0:00 /bin/sh -c echo "PID=$$ PIID=4" > /dev/pts/17; cd /u/ncsa/arnoldg/.eclipsesettings; java -Xms64m -Xmx128m -Xss2m ${javaargs} -jar pbs_proxy.jar --host=localhost --port=60255; 
> arnoldg   3370 18.0  0.2 383368 40276 ?      Sl   12:07   0:00 java -Xms64m -Xmx128m -Xss2m -jar pbs_proxy.jar --host=localhost --port=60255
> Version: 3.7.0
> Build id: I20110310-1119
> Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) End-User Runtime
> java version "1.6.0_24"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode)
> Galen Arnold
> system engineer
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> ptp-dev mailing list
> ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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