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Re: [ptp-dev] Cannot switch hosts for remote C/C++ project build with PTP 4.0

I wrote bugzilla bug 342188 for this problem.

From: Chris Recoskie <recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 04/07/2011 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [ptp-dev] Cannot switch hosts for remote C/C++ project build        with        PTP 4.0
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Yeah we can fix that part, and then the build command would execute. Other things like error parsing or managed build rely on the URI though, so on the whole there could be problems, depending.

Dave/Greg, can you please file a defect on the execution issue?

Chris Recoskie
Team Lead, IBM CDT and RDT
IBM Toronto

Inactive hide details for Greg Watson ---04/07/2011 11:04:37 AM---Chris, If the location of the project remains the same, but oGreg Watson ---04/07/2011 11:04:37 AM---Chris, If the location of the project remains the same, but only the host that the build provider is


Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


04/07/2011 11:04 AM


Re: [ptp-dev] Cannot switch hosts for remote C/C++ project build with PTP 4.0

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If the location of the project remains the same, but only the host that the build provider is pointing to is changed, shouldn't this work (assuming a shared filesystem)? It looks like the remote connection is cached in RemoteBuildServiceProvider, so although changing the connection in ServiceProviderConfigurationWidget changes the name in the provider properties (RemoteServicesServiceProviderContributor#updateProvider), it doesn't change the actual connection. Perhaps if the RemoteBuildServiceProvider checked the connection name property against the current connection name, it could flush the cache and open a new connection if they were different?


On Apr 7, 2011, at 9:56 AM, Chris Recoskie wrote:

Right now that scenario is not supported. Part of the problem is many parts of CDT and RDT get information about the project's location from its URI location. In your scenario, the URI location hasn't changed, just the service model.

Also, for this to be able to work at all, you'd need to have a shared filesystem such that the project files were visible to both machines, or a copy of them. There's nothing in RDT currently that will transfer the files to another machine.

We do want to support this in the future, as this is an important and common use case. We just have not had the resources to get there yet.

Chris Recoskie
Team Lead, IBM CDT and RDT
IBM Toronto

Dave Wootton ---04/07/2011 09:48:48 AM---I have a case where a remote project was created with the remote host specified as z25c2s2. z25c2 h
Dave Wootton <
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <
04/07/2011 09:48 AM
[ptp-dev] Cannot switch hosts for remote C/C++ project build with PTP 4.0
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I have a case where a remote project was created with the remote host specified as z25c2s2. z25c2 has a filesystem which is shared with a number of other systems, including z25c2s1. The remote project was created in that directory.

I am able to build the project on z25c2s2 without problems. However, I also want to build this project on z25c2s1 (z25c2s1 is AIX, z25c2s2 is Linux, although both could be Linux or both AIX)

I have remote tools connections defined to both z25c2s1 and z25c2s2. If I edit the service configuration for the remote project and cange the target connection for the build service, the build still runs on the node te project was defined for, as verified by putting a 'hostname' command in the makefile. Closing and re-opening the project results in the build still running on the original node. If I restart Eclipse, ten the build runs on the second (z25c2s1) node.

This is with the PTP 4.0.7 build.

Should I be able to use remote build in this manner were I can switch build target machines?

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