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Re: [ptp-dev] Updated Resource Manager Schema

I'm not familiar with building Java classes with JAXB so I may be missing or misunderstanding things here. I do have the following comments I hope are helpful
1) In the list of elements in the control element, a bunch of them have minOccurs=0 indicating they are optional. I noticed the cancel-job element doesn't have minOccurs specified. Should there be a minOccurs specification here?
2) Other elements like on-start-up have a minOccurs=0 specification, and then the definition of  on-start-up contains an element specification for command elements that may also occur 0 or more times. To me, this means I can omit the on-start-up element entirely, or I can specify one which can itself have no command elements. Is this intended? If not, does this complicate the generated classes?
3) Should the parsers element have a minOccurs specification? I'm thinking I may not always want to process stdout or stderr with any parser logic.
4) All of the elements contained in the script element don't have a minOccurs specification. To me this implies I must specify at least one of each of these elements even though I may not actually care about them.
5) The job-attribute element can contain a choice element, which I understand is intended for cases where the user selects a value from a predefined list. In some cases, PE accepts values that are in the predefined list or an arbitrary value, where the distinction I make between this and just a simple arbitary value is that my PE resource manager resource tab displayes an editable combo-box with the predefined values in the list and then the user can enter an arbitrary value in the edit field in the combo box. I think that's a little more user friendly than an editable text field where the user has to remember the predefined values.
6) Does the job-attribute element need the notion of OS or mode (PE with or without LoadLeveler as a back end scheduler) expressed as elements within the job-attribute element? Is the expectation that each unique permutation of OS, mode, and possibly other attributes is a separate instance of a resource manager and therefore a unique configuration file?
7) The job-attribute element has minValue and maxValue elements that I think need a minOccurs specification. There are PE options which accept numbers in the range 0..MAXINT, where no validation applies. I also have validation where I could use a regular _expression_ to validate, for instance where a numeric field is expressed as something like 4K, 3M, etc. Also, I do validation on pathnames, where depending on the specific field, I need to validate that the specification is an accessible directory, a writable directory, a readable file, a file that is accessible for read and write.
8) The command element contains one or two stream-parser elements. Should this have minOccur=0 to make it optional? I'm thinking of cases where I want stdout or stderr to go to a console viewer or be redirected to a file.
9) How do I handle stdin, which may be an issue only for interactive and debug runs?

It looks like what you have here will work for PE since it looks like PE options can be specified by either environment variable name or the corresponding command line option. I think I favor the environment variables, since in the advanced mode case, I think a file consisting of a set of name=value pairs is more readable than a set of command line option and value pairs.

The LoadLeveler resource manager works a little differently. That resource manager takes the values from the resources tab and uses them to update a LoadLeveler job command file template, substituting actual values for substitution keywords in the template file. I'm thinking that the resource manager needs to still generate the customized job command file then needs to send that command file to the remote system where it can be specified as the target of a llsubmit command. Alternatively, the substitution values get sent across as parameters on a command to generate a job command file on the remote system and then issue a llsubmit command specifying that file.

As a side note, I think any stdout/stderr redirection needs to be dealt with on the remote (login/front end) node rather than in the Eclipse client. If you handle the redirection on the remote node, then there's no network traffic involved in sending what could be a large amount of data to the Eclipse client.


From: "Albert L. Rossi" <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 01/16/2011 06:09 PM
Subject: Re: [ptp-dev] Updated Resource Manager Schema
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Greg, Randy, Dave,

I have posted a draft of the (control part) of the ResourceManager.xsd (; please take a look when you get a chance.

This is a valid XSD which will generate the necessary Java Classes using the JAXB compiler.  I have not yet decided whether it will be simpler to use JAXB runtime to build the actual instance objects from valid instances of the XML, or whether we just might want to parse it in using a DOM parser and then pull from it as necessary.  

Let me know about the holes here, or what you don't think is going to work.  Undoubtedly we will need to iterate a few times.

Thanks, Al

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