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Re: [ptp-dev] new rm implementation


I was assuming we'd have a single all-purpose RM. The client code in all the current RM's is pretty much identical, so it should be possible.


On Jan 10, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Albert L. Rossi wrote:

> OK, sorry I misunderstood.  I though you just meant that launch (e.g., Run) was unimplemented, but that you could create a Resource Tab.
> Anyway, before I do this, I think I'd like to prototype the RM factory and see how that fits in with you API.  I'm experimenting with a first pass over the XSD, and then I'll move on to building the bean.  
> However, it is not really clear to me yet what our true objective is.  Do we really want an all-purpose RM configured from an XML file?  If so, then there should not be any further need for implementing RM abstractions: we just provide one concrete implementation (call it XMLConfigurableResourceManager ?) to the extension point.  This is built using the XML, probably by composing into it a set of beans specified by interfaces.  The RM is then entirely agnostic as to the specific attributes, and always does the same thing.  Does this sound correct?
> Otherwise, I could see including in the configuration the tag for a specific extension to the RM extension point, and using that, but this would to some extent defeat the purpose.  I would include this in the configuration for flexibility, but would hope that each RM does not require another concrete implementation of the new API (though it could if it needed to do something really special).
> Al
> ----- Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Yes, as I mentioned, launching is not working yet.
>> Greg
>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:39 PM, Albert L. Rossi wrote:
>>> Actually, it looks more like something was not implemented.  I can still choose from among the old RMs.
>>> ----- Albert L. Rossi <arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi Greg,
>>>> I've checked these out and am examining them.  I'm not sure if at this point I should write a throw-away PBS version using the current attribute definition interfaces or whether I should try to prototype the new build-from-configuration business ...
>>>> I did notice, however, that a bug has been introduced into the LaunchTab.  When you try to create a new Launch Configuration, you cannot select the resource manager from the combo box.
>>>> Al
>>>> ----- Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Al,
>>>>> I've committed the beginnings of the new RM implementation. For want of a better name, I've called the plugins org.eclipse.ptp.rm.llview.{core,ui}. I've also updated ptp.core and ptp.ui so that you can add/remove/edit the new resource managers. The don't do anything, and currently there's no way to start/stop them or launch using them.
>>>>> Let me know if you have any questions.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Greg
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