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Re: [ptp-dev] java proxy dependencies

On Nov 2, 2010, at 1:19 PM, Dieter wrote:
> I think this jar is a realistic example of a pbs server jar 'polluted'
> with unecessary files since it was created using the Eclipse export
> mechanism that includes all dependend projects:
>, size: 30 MB
> Extracting this jar takes a very long time. My performance tests do
> not include extracting the jar but I assume that the content of that
> jar is already available in a single folder.
> I don't know enough about the build process used at the moment but I
> guess all the files, including those for the pbs server are available
> at some point in a single folder? Is this the case?

Yes, after the assemble.remote step in customBuild.xml

> Starting with a folder containing all files: .class, images, .dll,
> .properties, etc.
> Results:
> Dependency analysis ~1 sec.
> Creating a jar ~3 sec. (size: 1 MB)
> Compressing this jar (pack200+Gzip) ~1 sec. (size ~350 kb)
> The pbs server should therefore be below 500 kb.

These sound pretty reasonable to me.


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