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[ptp-dev] Photran Status/PTP Call

I just realized I won't be able to make the PTP call tomorrow since I'm giving the lecture in Ralph's class at that time.

As for Photran's status...
  • The students in the course will all be developing refactorings; we have about 15 planned, but I don't know how many will make it into 7.0 (the quality of the groups' projects tends to vary a lot).
  • I'm mostly dissertating (if that's not a word, it should be), but I'm working on some improvements to the indexer in the process.
  • As for our undergrads, Ashley Kasza is working on adding some language extensions to the lexer/parser/AST, Matt Fotzler is working on some improvements to the AST, and Abhishek Sharma is making some UI improvements to the VPG Browser.

Beth, when were you planning to burn CDs (or make flash drives, or whatever) for SC?  I'd still like to finish our Windows Installer package (Photran+MinGW) before then, but no guarantees...


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