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Re: testing results, was Re: [ptp-dev] PTP 4.0 final RC4 build is available

We ran into another problem with the service configurations property/preference page where any changes made in the widget does not get saved. I'll open a bug for that.


Vivian Kong
IBM Eclipse CDT
IBM Canada Toronto Lab

Inactive hide details for Chris Recoskie---06/09/2010 03:01:35 PM---I did a smoke test of RDT and for the most part, things areChris Recoskie---06/09/2010 03:01:35 PM---I did a smoke test of RDT and for the most part, things are good. I'd sign off on release on that b


Chris Recoskie/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


06/09/2010 03:01 PM


testing results, was Re: [ptp-dev] PTP 4.0 final RC4 build is available

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I did a smoke test of RDT and for the most part, things are good. I'd sign off on release on that build.

There were a few small problems I ran into, which I'll file bugzillas for. None of them seemed serious enough to hold things up.

- It seems that no URICreator.dat file is shipping in the RDT server TAR file. This causes a harmless FileNotFoundException to get printed to the server console. The error checking in the server should be better so that doesn't happen, but an empty .dat file should be shipped anyway so that it would never occur.

- Creating my first project with a service configuration is fine, but sometimes, when creating a second one and trying to reuse my existing service configuration, I get an NPE. Creating a new service configuration (the default) allows me to proceed.

I gather though that there is a new build in the works so I should probably smoke test again once it's ready.

Chris Recoskie
Team Lead, IBM CDT and RDT
IBM Toronto

Inactive hide details for Beth Tibbitts ---06/09/2010 01:06:22 PM---The final RC4 build of PTP 4.0 is available on the wiki pagBeth Tibbitts ---06/09/2010 01:06:22 PM---The final RC4 build of PTP 4.0 is available on the wiki page.


Beth Tibbitts <tibbitts@xxxxxxxxxx>




06/09/2010 01:06 PM


[ptp-dev] PTP 4.0 final RC4 build is available

Sent by:


The final RC4 build of PTP 4.0 is available on the wiki page.

Please test. I've probably said it before, but please test THIS BUILD. Just because things work in your development
workbench doesn't guarantee that they work in the build. Read and test the help, make sure the links are right,
make sure the screen shots look right.

We need folks to test all the resource managers, local and remote as appropriate, and as many perturbations
as possible of other things. Language. Remote provider (RemoteTools vs RSE), etc. Photran/Fortran.
There may be a chance for one more build before Helios goes live on June 23 but this isn't a guarantee.

And since we haven't branched the ptp_4_0 code line yet, please don't check in anything yet that should
not go into the 4.0 release either.

Thanks for all your help everyone! It's been a terrific effort by all.


Beth Tibbitts
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
IBM STG Communications Protocols and Tools
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