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Re: [ptp-dev] New PTP 4.0 build, please test

----- Beth Tibbitts <tibbitts@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> A new build (from 23:59 last night!) is up on the builds page
> I'm sure we'll do at least one more today.
> Those of you writing help, thank you thank you!

I'm dedicating the entire day to producing a working PBS help page, so we will have something for the build tomorrow, and perhaps even the build today.


> Reminder: Tomorrow is our RC4 build, which *should* be the last one.
> ...Beth
> Beth Tibbitts
> Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
> IBM STG Communications Protocols and Tools
> Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., Coldstream Research Campus, 745 West New
> Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

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