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Re: [ptp-dev] Support for SLURM 2.1 committed

Randy, I notice that you've just commented out code in ProcessAttributes. Would you please either deprecate the interfaces or remove them completely. Ditto for anywhere else this has been done.


I guess I was just a bit uncertain about it.  Now that you've commented on it,
I will remove the commented code.

Randy M. Roberts
work: (505)665-4285

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Benjamin Franklin

On May 20, 2010, at 11:38 AM, Greg Watson wrote:

Great! Thanks for the update.

Unfortunately I'm seeing an error in SLURMRuntimeModelPresentation which is still trying to use ProcessAttributes.getStatusAttributeDefinition(). This method no longer exists, so you might want to check that you've updated to the latest head.

Randy, I notice that you've just commented out code in ProcessAttributes. Would you please either deprecate the interfaces or remove them completely. Ditto for anywhere else this has been done.


On May 20, 2010, at 11:50 AM, JiangJie wrote:

Hi all,

I have committed new ptp_slurm_proxy and related codes to support SLURM_2.1/2.x.

Major improvements include:
(1) Reimplemented proxy based on SLURM API completely.
(2) Support SLURM-2.1 (and later, if API keeps compatible).
       Previous versions of SLURM-1.x are not supported anymore.
(3) The topology information of parallel processes is obtained from  job step layout,
       not from "srun" ELF image anymore.
(4) Update job/process/node state in separate threads.
(5) Comply with PTP-4.0 rm proxy protocol.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


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