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RE: [ptp-dev] Fwd: Re: submitting Jobs

Hi Albert,

Here is how I handle JobSubmitErrorEvent in SLURMResourceManager.
In, add the following code to override the hadleEvent() method in org.eclipse.ptp.rmsystem.AbstractRuntimeResourceManager.handleEvent():

public void handleEvent(IRuntimeSubmitJobErrorEvent e) {
    final String title = "JobSubmit Error";
    final String msg = e.getErrorMessage();

    Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            final Shell shell = Display.getDefault().getActiveShell();
            MessageDialog.openError(shell, title, msg);

This method will pop up a dialog on receiving  SubmitJobErrorEvent.


> Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 14:11:24 -0500
> From: arossi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [ptp-dev] Fwd: Re: submitting Jobs
> Greg,
> I'm posting a question to the list because I think I need a little guidance.
> We have a very basic, hard-coded version of the PBS Launch Tab working, and I'm trying to move now to the next step of implementing one which is not just a place-holder for testing.
> One of the issues which came up when Roland used the Run Configuration to launch against the PBS proxy was in terms of the propagation of an IProxyRuntimeSubmitJobErrorEvent and its eventual exposure to the user. There are handlers implemented for intercepting job submission events in the AbstractRTSystem classes, but the final listener seems to be missing at that level which would do something (like an error message widget) with it. Am I mistaken?
> If it is missing, where should the listener reside (it's not really PBS-specific, I don't think), and I'm also a bit uncertain as to how to create hooks for adding the necessary listener to the RTSystem class from UI parts (the listener obviously should not live in the org.eclipse.ptp.rm.core plugin, since it is UI-specific).
> Thanks for any help you can give here.
> Al
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