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Re: [ptp-dev] PBS support in RemoteTools


This is great news. It sounds like this approach combines the advantage of the C based proxy agents and the simplicity of working with command-line interfaces. I'd encourage you to make your implementation as modular as possible so that other resource managers could take advantage of it. 

Also, if you think you'll have an implementation working by the feature freeze date (4/30/2010), please begin the IP process as soon as possible.


On Jan 24, 2010, at 7:21 PM, Dieter Krachtus wrote:

We plan to add PBS ( support to RemoteTools. After many discussions (with i.e. Greg and Al and Jay from NCSA) we propose the following implementation:

On the server side we will go with a Java-based proxy to monitor PBS activity and communicate with the Eclipse client side. This proxy is preferably started using the already existing indexer JVM (if both indexer and proxy is used) instead of starting an additional JVM. Communication between client and proxy happens via the RM proxy protocol ( which has to be implemented for the Java-proxy (partially already started by Greg in org.eclipse.ptp.proxy.protocol). Future versions of this client/proxy solutions may drop the communication using a separate socket for the RM proxy protocol and use Dstore instead.

PBS lacks a change notification mechanism but supports relatively robust XML output via the 'qstat' command. The Java-proxy repeatedly queries for PBS output and transforms the XML output into an object model that is used to detect changes in PBS by comparing it to the object model of the previous PBS output. These changes/events are then communicated to the client by the RM proxy protocol.

Roland and Dieter _______________________________________________
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