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Re: [ptp-dev] release status

I overlooked bug 286507. This, along with some other problems in the PE 
startup failure case need to be fixed, but this bug is not a reason to 
hold the release. I should have time to work on it this week

Bug 294754 is for release 3.0 follow-on work for large systems scaling


Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
11/30/2009 08:39 AM
[ptp-dev] release status
Sent by:

Hi all,

We passed our release review for 3.0, but I still see 15 P3 bugs open. 
Please check the status of the other bugs and let me know if they need to 
be resolved before the release. Bugs 283402, 296325 and 296460 are show 
stoppers for me, so we may need to delay the release until the end of the 
week to get these resolved in any case.


ID               Sev             Pri             Assignee Status  
Resolution               Vers            OS              TargetM  Summary
279569           nor             P3 dfferber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW   3.0  
 Mac             ---             Remote C / C++ indexer gives internal 
286545           nor             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             Mac             ---  RM 
proxy exit causes RDT server exit
286507           nor             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             Mac             ---  PE 
RM does not set process state correctly on error
286582           nor             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             Mac             ---  
Output from short running apps is lost with PE RM
292529           nor             P3              g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             All             ---  RM 
does not report remote command failure
292485           nor             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             Linu            ---  
Searching for Binaries copies all
283402           nor             P3              recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx  NEW  
                 3.0             Mac             ---             Prototype 
new project wizard
294754           nor             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             Unix            ---  PTP 
Resource Manager related scaling information
295766           enh             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             All             ---  Send 
routing information to sdm via control channel rather than creating file
295768           nor             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             All             ---  ETFw 
Feedback View preference page is at top level of preferences
285209           nor             P3              recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx  NEW  
                 3.0             Mac             ---             Remove 
RSE connection dependency from indexing service
286584           enh             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             Mac             ---  
Launch RDT server via ssh
293929           enh             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             All             ---  Add 
Remote Tools remote indexing
296325           maj             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             Linu            ---  New 
Remote C/C++ Project wizard does not start
296460           nor             P3              ptp-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx  
NEW                              3.0             All             ---  
Debugger causes problems with CDT 
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