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Re: [ptp-dev] Prepending MPI Launch Command


What exactly were you thinking of in terms of "support"?  A full UI widget, or just the ability to add this to the command-line/executable that is launched? Certainly the second option will be available in the PBS manager I'm working on (and this would depend on the user knowing which mpirun incantations to provide).  Fuller MPI UI support could also eventually be included, but it would be good to have some more specific requirements as to what features to support first.


"History does not repeat itself, but often it rhymes." (attr. Mark Twain)

----- Wyatt Spear <wspear@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Greetings,
> There are a few parallel performance tools which need to be composed with
> the mpirun (or equivalent) command.  On the command line this might look
> like:
> performance_tool mpirun -np 4 mpi_app
> Is there any way that this could be supported with the PTP launch system?  I
> am not really familiar with the resource manager API but I am guessing that
> this would have to be done for each resource manager implementation.  I'll
> start looking through the code myself pretty soon but if anyone could point
> me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.  Similarly, if this
> is a non-starter for some reason it'd be good to know before I start.
> Thanks,
> Wyatt Spear

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