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[ptp-dev] Adding SLURM support to PTP 3.0


About one month ago, we submitted our initial implementation of support for SLURM resource management system based on PTP release 2.1 (bug 273826).
Now we have improved the initial version  including fixing some bugs, and the main improvement is debug support, which is lacked in our previous implementation.
To make ptp debugger works with SLURM, we also make some minor changes to ptp sdm debug manager.
And this version has been extensively tested on Linux/x86, Linux/x86-64 clusters.

We are seeking an opportunity to include our work in the main release of upcoming PTP release (e.g., ptp 3.0, if possible).
To tihs end, we have to test and modify our work for the latest version of ptp.

My question is, should we base our work on the latest CVS version (nightly build)?

Jie Jiang

搜索本应是快乐的,不是么? 快乐搜索,有问必应!微软隆重推出! 立即试用!

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