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[ptp-dev] AbstractPerformanceDatamanager class usage question

I need to automatically set an environment variable before running my target application, where the value of the environment variable may be different between runs. I have a class which extends AbstractPerformanceDataManager where I run a 'touch' command prior to running my application. I'm using this class to set the environment variable value I need by obtaining an ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy instance of the ILaunchConfiguration and adding the new environment variable to the org.eclipse.debug.core.environmentVariables attribute then saving the launch configuration.

This seems to work correctly for me, but I want to be sure what I'm doing is legitimate since I'm making some assumptions about order of processing for running my application.. If this is legitimate, then I realize that I should also clean up the launch configuration after my application runs. I can do that cleanup in my post-processing step.


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