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Re: [ptp-dev] Question about performance tools framework in PTP

I started by copy/paste from the email where Wyatt described how to code the xml file into an Eclipse editor window. I don't know how the multi-byte characters got into the file, but it would explain the odd parse errors. I reentered the line in question in the XML file and the parse error went away. I'll look at what Wyatt has done a bit more later.

Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/21/2009 02:10 PM

Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [ptp-dev] Question about performance tools framework in PTP

According to od, there are multibyte characters in the file, and there is one at this location. I presume UTF-16 or some other multibyte format. Dave, how did you create this file?


On Apr 21, 2009, at 1:08 PM, Wyatt Spear wrote:


Regarding the xml issue, it looks like the problem is indeed a bogus character.  This is what I get in a diff between a tf.xml file that works and one that does not:
diff tf.xml tfGOOD.xml
<                      <optvalue type="text"  fieldrequired="true"/>
>                      <optvalue type="text"  fieldrequired="true"/>

I was unable to pinpoint the bogus character's location.  I think it is somewhere in the white-space between the two fields.  If you delete that entire line, or just 'type="text"' and the surrounding white-space, and retype it manually it should work.

Regarding the application path selector, the launch configurations under the Performance Analysis subtree should be working now.  Those under the Parallel Performance Analysis subtree are missing the path specification field for some reason.  I am not sure where this issue was introduced.  Do you recall if the path selector was available to you with parallel configurations previously?  I will try to have a fix for this up later today.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I ran a CVS update for the entire PTP source from what should be PTP head. I'm running Eclipse Ganymede 3.4.1. I ran the test again and I still get an XML parse error. I see where you added an error message, so it looks like I'm picking up updated code.

The first few lines of the parse error are

Error in workflow definition file:/F:/source/Eclipse-ptp/ATest/tf.xml at line 20, column 43

: Element type "optvalue" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
       at Source)

       at Source)

       at Source)

       at Source)

       at Source)

       at Source)

If you need the rest of the exception I can easily post that.

If I comment out the section in error then I can see my panel in the performance analysis tab. If I select my tool name from the tool selection dropdown, I still don't see the application path text field in the application panel at all (I thought it was just disabled yesterday, now it's not visible at all)

My XML file, with the questionable section commented out is attached. If you just uncomment the commented section, you should see the error.


Wyatt Spear <wspear@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by:

04/20/2009 05:32 PM

Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [ptp-dev] Question about performance tools framework in PTP

The attached xml file works for me with the latest version of the external tools from cvs.  I think it is identical to the one you sent, but sometimes depending on how xml is moved around and saved, characters the parser doesn't like can be introduced.  If this still doesn't work for you please send me the particular parse error message you get and let me know what platform/version of java you are using.  Also note, I've updated the framework again so it should give the location of malformed xml when an xml parsing exception is thrown.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Wyatt Spear <
wspear@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This turned out to be a bug with the framework.  It didn't know how to handle an executable tag with no 'utility' specified so it defaulted to the build selection ui.  I just committed a fix, it should use the proper binary selection ui for your tool now.

I did not get any XML errors from the file that you e-mailed me earlier.  I'll try a couple more things to reproduce that.



On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:47 AM, Dave Wootton <
dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Can you clarify what you mean about the build step and where it is
defined? My sample tools.xml file only had an execute step in it and the
application pathname on the main tab was still disabled. What do I need to
do or not do for this to be enabled?

Wyatt Spear <
Sent by:
04/19/2009 08:50 PM
Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <

Re: [ptp-dev] Question about performance tools framework in PTP

Yes, I will take a look at getting more useful error output.  I will take
a look at that specific error tomorrow as well.  I'm not sure what might
be amiss there...

Also, regarding the program path being disabled on the main tab, the
reason is this: For performance tools that need to be recompiled (such as
TAU) only the build configuration is needed, so only that selection is
available on the main tab.  If you select a tool that has no build step
defined then it should use the normal binary selection interface on the
main tab instead.


On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Dave Wootton <
dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I tried the example xml file that you included below and it failed with a
SAXParseException. The only way I was able to figure out what was going
wrong was to run in debug mode and catch the SAXParseException then look
at the values for the systemID, lineNumber and columnNumber variables in
the exception object. Those seem to point to a problem with the
"<optvalue type="text"  fieldrequired="true"/>"  line. If I comment that
togoption out, the exception goes away.

Is it possible to catch the SAXParseException and write an error message
containing the information pointing to the error either to the Error Log
or to just print it in  a println call?

My XML file was

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tool name="TaskFinder">
      <global name="EnvironmentTest">
            <!--This is a static value that will always be put in the
environment and bypass the UI entirely -->
            <envvar flag="A_VAR" value="1"/>

          <optionpane title="Test Vars">

               <togoption label="Env Foo" optname="FOO" envvar="true">
                    <optvalue type="toggle" seton="yes" />

              <togoption label="Env Bar" optname="BAR" envvar="true">
                    <optvalue type="text"/>

             <togoption label="Value Required" optname="SET_VALUE"
envvar="true" required="true">
                   <optvalue type="text"  fieldrequired="true"/>


Wyatt Spear <
Sent by:
04/16/2009 10:00 PM

Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <

Re: [ptp-dev] Question about performance tools framework in PTP

Greetings Dave,

Environment variable support is up in cvs now.  Currently it only supports
the execution phase and there may be a few bugs to wring out of it.  I
believe it meets the requirements we discussed.  Note that, similar to
program argument modifications, changes to the environment are applied
during execution and reverted during cleanup afterward, so environment
variables set this way will not be present in the environment pane after
the run is complete.

I have updated the external tools wiki page with a basic reference for the
xml tool definion format:

I have included a working example of environment variable usage without a
utility tag below.  Note the use of the global tag in place of the utility
tag.  The 'toggle' option type allows an environment variable to be
defined as the "seton" value and left undefined if "setoff" is not
specified.  The "required" attribute in a togoption makes it always set to
on and does away with the checkbox.  The fieldrequired attribute in an
optvalue tag will prevent an environment variable from being set unless
there is a value in the widget's text field.  Please let me know if you
would like to see any adjustments to this scheme or if you notice any

Wyatt Spear

      <global name="EnvironmentTest">
            <!--This is a static value that will always be put in the
environment and bypass the UI entirely -->
            <envvar flag="A_VAR" value="1"/>

          <optionpane title="Test Vars">

               <togoption label="Env Foo" optname="FOO" envvar="true">
                    <optvalue type="toggle" seton="yes" />

              <togoption label="Env Bar" optname="BAR" envvar="true">
                    <optvalue type="text"/>

             <togoption label="Value Required" optname="SET_VALUE"
envvar="true" required="true">
                   <optvalue type="text"  fieldrequired="true"/>



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