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Re: [ptp-dev] Question about performance tools framework in PTP

>There have been a few additions to the XML definition capabilities since this was written and
> I can pull together some more information on that for you.
Wyatt, please update the wiki page!


Beth Tibbitts (859) 243-4981 (TL 545-4981)
Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
Mailing Address: IBM Corp., Coldstream Research Campus, 745 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40511

Inactive hide details for Wyatt Spear ---04/06/2009 02:26:42 PM---The most through documentation available at the moment can beWyatt Spear ---04/06/2009 02:26:42 PM---The most through documentation available at the moment can be found here:

          Wyatt Spear <wspear@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

          04/06/2009 02:26 PM

          Please respond to
          Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>



Re: [ptp-dev] Question about performance tools framework in PTP

The most through documentation available at the moment can be found here:
There have been a few additions to the XML definition capabilities since this was written and it doesn't cover the internal API as much as the external XML tool definitions system.  It sounds like what you want will be something like what we did for TAU integration, using your plugin to wrap the components provided by the external tools.  I can pull together some more information on that for you.

So far, most of our test cases have dealt with generating command line arguments, so we don't have a complete general purpose environment variable system in place.  However it shouldn't take long to get that up and running.  Setting environment variables in the local eclipse launch environment is fairly straightforward, but if a different method is needed to send them to the remote system I can provide a 'getter' for environment variables specified in the tool's UI.


On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    I was hoping that if I chose this approach that it would cover CDT as
    well. So that's good news. In order for this to be useful to me, I do need
    to be able to add to the list of environment variables passed to the
    remote process. Can you give me a reference to current documentation on
    how to use this? I will look at the IProgessMonitor. I just need to find
    time to do it.

    Wyatt Spear <
    Sent by:
    04/06/2009 12:11 PM
    Please respond to
    Parallel Tools Platform general developers <

    Parallel Tools Platform general developers <

    Re: [ptp-dev] Question about performance tools framework in PTP

    Greetings Dave,

    The ExternalTools provide a distinct launch configuration system for both
    the PTP and CDT.  Presently the system covers status with the standard
    IProgressMonitor used to display job status in the UI.  It may be possible
    for you to hook in to that, but if not I can probably add a listener
    hook.  I'll also need to take a look and make sure environment variable
    control is up and running.  Please let me know if you have any questions
    or if I can help out with anything.


    On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 7:11 AM, Dave Wootton <
    dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    I have a performance analysis tool that has an Eclipse plugin. I'd like to
    extend the Eclipse launch configuration dialog to add a new panel with
    execution options specific to this tool. These options result in setting
    environment variables that the tool recognizes. The tool itself runs as a
    remote process on a different node than the Eclipse node. Greg suggested
    that your framework might be helpful for this.

    I need to use this for parallel execution, where I'm thinking of this as a
    logical extension of the PTP launch configuration, as well as for serial
    applications which would not use the PTP launch configuration and do not
    run under control of any PTP resource manager. Does your tool framework
    work only with PTP launch configurations, or would it work with the CDT
    launch dialogs as well.

    Also, does your framework provide any notifications of job start and
    finish, such that a listener could register to be notified of those state

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