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Re: [ptp-dev] PTP development


I would definitely encourage you to work with PTP rather than attempting to develop (yet) another set of infrastructure. With Eclipse, you gain an amazing amount of functionality that has taken literally hundreds of person-years to develop. We at PTP would welcome contributions to the static analysis infrastructure and would be happy to consider any design changes that might be required to accommodate your plans. As far as I'm aware, there are groups at IBM, ORNL, NCSA, UIUC, in Europe, and others, who are already, or are planning to, contribute to PTP. I expect the project to get very busy over the coming years.



On Feb 10, 2009, at 12:31 AM, Mark Kellogg wrote:

Hi everybody, my name is Mark Kellogg and I am currently part of a research project at San Jose State University CA where we are looking at various approaches to assist programmers in transforming sequential source code into parallel code, and in exploiting parallelism wherever possible. Currently we are looking at static source code analysis techniques for discovering parallelizable code. During my investigation of current work in this area I came across the Parallel Tools Platform for Eclipse, and one of the most intriguing parts (for us) was the functionality to analyze source code and perform concurrency analysis on it.

We are thinking about contributing to the PTP project rather than forging our own path in this area. Before we decide which route we are going to take, we wanted to find out more about the direction of the PTP effort and what kinds of things are planned for the future, especially in regard to static analysis capabilities. I am writing to find out if anyone could give me any insight in that area. We think the PTP project would be a great opportunity for us and we would just like to find out more about where it is headed.

Thank you for any help or direction you can provide.

- Mark Kellogg
ptp-dev mailing list

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