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Re: [ptp-dev] Set up ControlChannel may causes the connection to remote host hangs up

I changed the hard coded command as "/bin/ksh" and test with an AIX box with ksh only, the connection works.
Also, given "/bin/ksh" as the command to set up control channnel, I tested with the AIX box having both ksh and bash, it works, too. That means, seems ''/bin/ksh'' can works regardingless the target system has ksh only or have bash installed as well as ksh.

Hongchang Lin

Inactive hide details for Daniel Felix Ferber <dfferber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Daniel Felix Ferber <dfferber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

          Daniel Felix Ferber <dfferber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

          11/19/2008 11:43 PM

          Please respond to
          Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>



Re: [ptp-dev] Set up ControlChannel may causes the connection to remote host hangs up

The Control channel is required because Open SSH server does not support sending signals to remote processes running on the SSH connection.
Therefore, another bash session is used to retrieve the PID of each process started by Remote Tools and also used to run the 'kill' command in order to send signals when needed.
Is it possible to implement something similar with ksh? For a long term solution, it seems that the Remote Tools connection parameters should also have an 'environment' parameter that describe which remote interpreter is being used, and which commands and features are available.
Or is it possible to install bash into a AIX machine?

Best regards,
Daniel Felix Ferber

Hong Chang Lin schrieb:

      In codes of PTP 2.1 final release, for creating a connection to remote host, a
      ControlChannel is set up. In which, a exec chanel with command "/bin/bash" is created.
      This code logic locates in line 68 in class

      For AIX system, the default shell is ksh, no bash is installed. So when connecting to a remote AIX, the command "/bin/bash" is failed and no terminal path is allocated to the control panel, then it falls in a end-less loop. This code is in line 99 in class

      This causes the UI hangs up there, and user get nothing indication.

      Is it possible to fix this problem?

      Hongchang Lin

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