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[ptp-dev] Updates to the external tools framework


Since the commit I just made omitted the list of changes I will give an overview here.

The recently redubbed external tools framework now supports operations on files that already exist on the file-system.  Formerly workflows could only be run on data as it was generated by a program's execution.

The workflow xml file selection interface has been adjusted to support a list of xml files, rather than a single one as was previously the case.

The individual 'steps' usable by the tools framework, compilation execution and analysis, can now be repeated and used in arbitrary order in a workflow.  For example, it is now possible to define a workflow that runs an application, collects some data, and then conducts a second run based on the output of the first.

Individual workflow steps can be activated/deactivated by boolean values which may be specified in the UI.  This may be extended with other options for logical control eventually.

Argument values passed to tools in a workflow can now be defined as 'local'.  This will cause the path of the working directoty to be prepended to the value.  Formerly only static filesystem locations were accessable.

Tools that print output rather than writing it to a file can now have their output collected to a file automatically by defining the "outtofile" attribute in the tool's xml tag.

The routine used for launching external command-line tools is more robust.

UI elements are now reusable by multiple steps in a workflow.

Various minor enchancements and bug-fixes.

A few of the UI modifications, in particular, probably still need work.  Some of the workflow control logic may need to be adjusted to better suit the most common use cases.  Please let me know if there are any questions.

Wyatt Spear

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