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[ptp-dev] About detecting pragma

Hello everyone,

I’m still working on the detection of pragmas into source files and i would like to show you my source code, since I face a new problem.

This is the source code :

// If we haven't already worked on this file

if (!visitedFiles.contains(_expression_.getContainingFilename())) {

// Get all the preprocessor statements in the current file

      IASTPreprocessorStatement[] ppps = (IASTPreprocessorStatement[])_expression_.getTranslationUnit().getAllPreprocessorStatements();

      for (int i=0; i<ppps.length; i++) {

            IASTPreprocessorStatement pps = ppps[i];

            if (pps instanceof IASTPreprocessorPragmaStatement) {


                  // Now we verify its a hmpp pragma

                  if (pps.getRawSignature().startsWith(NEW_PREFIXE_PRAGMA)) {           

                        String artifactName = pps.getRawSignature().substring(NEW_PREFIXE_PRAGMA.length());

                        // Generate the Source Info linked with our pragma

                        SourceInfo sourceInfo = new SourceInfo();



                        sourceInfo.setEnd(pps.getFileLocation().getNodeOffset() + pps.getFileLocation().getNodeLength());


                        // Creation of this Artifact

                        Artifact artifact = new Artifact(filename, pps.getFileLocation().getStartingLineNumber(), 1, artifactName, "NEW ARTIFACT", sourceInfo);

                        // Adding our Artifact to scanReturn


                        System.out.println("Artifact : "+artifact);







And it works !!

But I have this error when executing this.

I have a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and I don’t know where it’s coming from but I’m quite sure it’s coming from this function.

I have already faced this ?


Thanks in advance for your help.



Georges Bossert

+33 (0)





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