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Re: [ptp-dev] Problems/questions creating remote C project

Chris, Greg
I have this working now, including running my application. The only 
problem I still see is that if I save the source file, Eclipse doesn't 
automatically invoke make to rebuild the application. The only way I can 
find to rebuild is to select project->clean and clean the project.

Chris Recoskie <recoskie@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
10/30/2008 09:10 AM
Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [ptp-dev] Problems/questions creating remote C project


A few points:
The builder should not be changed, only the build command should be 
changed. Only the remote makefile builder knows how to send the build 
commands remotely, the other builders are local. On AIX, if you have GNU 
make installed, the executable is called "gmake". 
The RSE exception you mentio seems to happen from time to time, but seems 
to be harmless. It's something in RSE itself, it doesn't reallly have 
anything to do with RDT. 
There is a CDT bug whereby if you try to create a new project in a 
location where there already was a project at one time or another, the CDT 
project description doesn't get created properly, and this causes havoc 
with the builder. As a workaround, delete the old .project and .cproject 
files in the directory before creating the project.

Chris Recoskie
Team Lead, IBM CDT Team
IBM Toronto

Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dave Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
10/30/2008 07:51 AM 

Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, 


Re: [ptp-dev] Problems/questions creating remote C project

I had created an empty remote project. thinking that was the reasonable 
choice. I have createda remote makefile project and it works a bit better 
but I still have problems. In project properties,/Tool chain editor, I 
changed the Current Builder from Gnu Make Builder to Gnu Make since 
nothing seems to happen when Gnu Make Builder (the default) was selected. 
I also selected the XLC error parser since that wasn't selected by default 
even though I selected the XLC toolchain when prompted in setting up the 
project. I didn't change anything else in project properties and just 
clicked thru to the last properties page and configured the remote 
services there. 

I also downloaded the latest (10/29) rdt server and installed that. 

I created a simple Makefile 
all: hello 

hello: hello.c 
xlc -o hello hello.c 

When I save changes to my .c file, the makefile runs, but when the compile 
finishes, I see the following exception on the rdt server xterm Pipe closed 


at org.eclipse.dstore.core.model.Handler.finish( 


I created a parallel run configuration and tried to run the program. When 
I clicked run, Eclipse tried to comile the program. Make found nothing to 
do. Then I got a message that the shell exited with rc 0 and my program 
was not run. 

While I was writing this email, I went into project properties and changed 
the builder to Gnu Make Builder and couldn't get Eclipse to try to compile 
the program, even after I changed the builder back to Gnu Make. I deleted 
the project and created it again, but apparently missed something or did 
something different than the first time since Eclipse still doesn't try to 
compile my program. I have the C/C++ Build behavior panel configured to 
build on resource save. 

When I save the program source, I do see messages from the RDT server that 
the source has been indexed. 


Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
10/29/2008 08:52 PM 

Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> 

Re: [ptp-dev] Problems/questions creating remote C project


When you created the remote project did you select the project type as 
'Remote Makefile Project'? I think this is the only type of project 
supported by RDT currently. This also means that the tool chain 
information is not used, you have to put everything into the Makefile 


On Oct 29, 2008, at 7:54 PM, Dave Wootton wrote: 

I'm trying to set up a remote C project on a Linux system with the IBM C 
compiler installed and Eclipse running on a Windows XP system. I am using 
a RSE Dstore connection between the two systems, have running on 
the remote system and am connected to the remote system. 

Again, I'm not sure what is supported, what I might be doing wrong, and 
what might be a problem. 

I was able to specify the remote directory path and selected an empty C 
project and clicked next. I selected advanced settings on the next page to 
set up the project. 

On the C/C++ Build/settings panel I selected the Elf parser and the XLC 
error parser. 

I went to the Tool Chain Editor tab and selected the XLC tool chain and 
picked GNU make for the current builder 

I went to the C/C++ Build/XL C/C++ compiler tab to enter the compiler path 
(my compiler is at /opt/ibmcmp/vac/9.0/bin/xlc). I had to type the 
compiler root path (/opt/ibmsmp/vac/9.0?) since the browse button gets me 
a local directory selector dialog. 

I selected the Remote Paths and Services tabs but didn't change anything 
there. When I click any other selection in the project properties window 
after that I get an error popup 'The currently displayed page has invalid 
values' and I am stuck on the remote oaths and symbols page until I cancel 
the properties dialog. 

After I changed the above settings in the advanced settings I clicked thru 
to the last page where I configured the Build and C/C++ indexing services 
to use my RSE Dstore connection 

I created a source file and a makefile in the project top level directory, 
using New->Source file for the C code and New->File for the makefile. They 
did not show up in the project explorer view until after I right clicked 
in that vioeew and clicked refresh. 

When I saved the file, Eclipse tried to build the project and failed with 
the following messages 

**** Rebuild of configuration Debug for project test **** 

**** Internal Builder is used for build **** 
Build error 

I created a second Makefile in a Debug directory in my project and 
refreshed the project explorer view after creating the makefile. When I 
saved teh source file again, I got the same messages as above. 

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? 
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