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Re: [ptp-dev] Question about setting local address for proxy connection


It's not necessary to specify this address when using Remote Tools because everything is tunneled over the ssh connection, which I think will be the most common way it is used. It's only required by RSE because it doesn't support tunneling. The problem with automatically determining the address is that systems often have multiple addresses, so which one should be used? Any suggestions on how to do this would be appreciated.

Regarding the RM not starting properly. This sounds like a bug to me, since it should always be possible to stop a resource manager, even if it hasn't started properly. You shoulsn't need to resort to shutting down eclipse for this. Would you please open a bug?


On Sep 23, 2008, at 6:40 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:

Is it possible to change the proxy startup so that I don't need to specify
the proxy local connection address for my proxy? This isn't  a serious
problem if I'm working from a fixed IP address, although it's just one
more piece of information I have to fill in.

The problem is that if I'm using different IP addresses because of DHCP,
VPN or otherwise is that proxies that were running when I shut down
Eclipse the last time don't start properly. If I have a running proxy,
then the following happens

I shutdown Eclipse
When I restart Eclipse, the running proxy goes to the blue state and I
can't get it back to gray state
Shutdown and restart Eclipse
Now the formerly running proxy is in the gray state
Determine my IP address
Edit the proxy configuration
Select my IP address or hostname from the dropdown list or enter it if
it's not there
Start the proxy

Is it possible for Eclipse to figure out the proper IP address or hostname
to use and pass that IP address to the proxy?

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