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Re: [ptp-dev] Questions about PTP, RSE and RDT

I think I have sort of figured out how I'm getting a path of '\usr\include' but I don't know why. I did create a remote C project using the project wizard. If I look at the 'Remote Paths and Includes' page in the project properties, it's pre-filled in with '/usr/include'. I added an entry for '/usr/include/sys' in this page, and now I get two error messages for invalid project path, one for \usr\include and a second for \usr\include\sys. It looks like something is getting confused about Linux/Unix path separators and Windows path separators and using the windows path separator '\' since my Eclipse installation is running on a windows XP system. I grepped thru the PTP source I downloaded looking for any reference to path.separator or file.separator properties as well as looking just for separator and didn't find anything. Could there be code that knows it's running on Windows and just hard codes '\' as the path separator?

If I clean my remote project, then when it rebuilds, I get two error messages 'Error launching external scanner info generator (/opt/ibmcmp/xlc -E -v F:/source/runtime-New_configuration/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.make.core/specs.cpp)'. I'm not quite sure where this is coming from, but wanted to point this out as well.

Neither of these are serious problems for me since I'm interested in getting my PE proxy working with remote projects and I can create a remote project that I can use with my proxy. I have to compile my test programs by hand on my Linux system so I can run them, but that's not a big deal right now.

Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/22/2008 09:23 AM

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Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [ptp-dev] Questions about PTP, RSE and RDT


Not sure about 1 or 2 (maybe Chris can help?). It's possible RSE is  
not working with PTP as I've been concentrating on remote tools. I'll  
take a look and see if I can repeat the problem. Can you tell if the  
proxy is getting started at all? Is the path to the proxy correct?  
Output from the process should go to a console if you have the  
"Display combined output in a console view" option set in the launch  
configuration. You should also still be able to use the old jobs view  
to double click on a process icon. Not sure why you're not seeing  
processes though. I'll take a look at that as well.


On Aug 22, 2008, at 8:33 AM, Dave Wootton wrote:

> I installed Ganymede Eclipse plus CDT 5.0.1, RSE 3.0.0 (core and end  
> user
> runtime) and then downloaded PTP and RDT code into my workspace from  
> HEAD, all on a Windows XP machine. I'm able to create a C project  
> running
> Eclipse on my windows machine where the project is located on a  
> pSeries
> Linux system. I can't get the compilation to work thru Eclipse, but  
> if I
> compile my test program manually, I can then create a PTP run
> configuration referencing that project and run my test application  
> thru
> PTP. So my PE proxy pretty much works with the current PTP code.
> I did have some problems doing this and have the following questions
> 1) When I created my C project (Executable (XL C/C++)), the last  
> page of
> the project wizard asks me for the compiler root path, where it is
> pre-filled in with /opt/ibmcmp. I have XLC 9.0 installed in
> /opt/ibmcmp/vac/9.0. What do I specify for compiler root path?
> 2) I can edit .c files on the remote Linux system using the Eclipse
> editor. When I save the file, the build fails, I suspect because of  
> the
> message 'Invalid project path: Include path not found (\usr\include)'
> (note backslashes in pathname). I looked thru the project properties
> panels and couldn't find where I specified this so that I could fix  
> it.
> 3) I can create a PE resource manager using RSE as the remote service
> provider, and as I go thru the resource manager wizard, it appears  
> to work
> correctly, letting me set the path to my proxy on the remote system.
> However, when I try to start the resource manager, I get a popup  
> htat says
> 'Failed to start resource manager' and the RM icon turns blue and  
> stays
> that way. I turned on tracing in the run configuration for my test  
> session
> and don't see any obvious messages in the trace output. It looks  
> like it
> gets as far as trying to invoke my proxy, but then stops. I have an  
> option
> in my proxy where I can put it in a spin loop at startup so I can  
> attach a
> debugger to it. I turned that option on so I could try to attach to my
> proxy and it appears Eclipse is not getting far enough to invoke my  
> proxy
> since I still cannot find the process. The same proxy works fine if  
> I use
> RDT as the remote service provider. Any ideas where to start  
> looking? Has
> RSE 3.0 broken something in PTP?
> 4) My program appears in the jobs list, but I don't see any way to  
> either
> get the job to show me stdout output or to delete the job from the  
> jobs
> list when it completes. My program does write stdio, which I can see  
> if I
> set up my test program's run configuration to redirect stdout to a  
> file.
> 5) When my program runs (2 tasks on 1 node) , I see the icon for the  
> node
> I use show up in the machines view, but neither process shows up in  
> the
> process info window. What messages generate the data for the process  
> info
> window. I need to see if my proxy is generating correct messages as a
> first step in figuring this out.
> Dave
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