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RE: [ptp-dev] Re: Remote Indexing

Given that this work has been vetoed in the past. I hope you're going in
the right direction. The right architecture is to put a service
independent API over the indexer to support external indexes. i.e.,
remote index, not remote content assist/search/static analysis of all
sorts/every potential feature that uses the index in the future/etc. Is
that what you guys are doing? 


	From: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Chris Recoskie
	Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 8:53 AM
	To: Chris Recoskie
	Cc: Babar, Vrushali Shrikant (Vrushali) **CTR**; Gregory R
Watson; Mike Kucera; Rob Cecco; Jason Montojo; Vivian Kong;
ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx; cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
	Subject: [ptp-dev] Re: Remote Indexing

	Cross-posting to cdt-dev
	Chris Recoskie
	Team Lead, IBM CDT Team
	IBM Toronto
	 Chris Recoskie/Toronto/IBM

				Chris Recoskie/Toronto/IBM 

				05/16/2008 08:51 AM



"Babar, Vrushali Shrikant (Vrushali) **CTR**" <vsbabar@xxxxxxxxx>	


Jason Montojo/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Mike Kucera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Vivian
Kong/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Rob Cecco, ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, Gregory R


Re: Remote Indexing 
	Jason and I are currently working on the remote indexing
implementation. I just got the index populating properly late last
night. Over the next couple of days we'll get a few services such as
Call Hierarchy up and running on top of this.
	We have been waiting to do a submission until we more or less
have a few things working on top of the framework so that we can show
examples of how to implement some services. I would estimate that we'll
be doing a patch submission to PTP sometime in the next week or two.
Does that timeframe suit your needs?
	Chris Recoskie
	Team Lead, IBM CDT Team
	IBM Toronto
	"Babar, Vrushali Shrikant (Vrushali) **CTR**"

				"Babar, Vrushali Shrikant (Vrushali)
**CTR**" <vsbabar@xxxxxxxxx> 

				05/16/2008 08:06 AM


Chris Recoskie/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Jason Montojo/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Mike
Kucera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, Vivian Kong/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA	




Remote Indexing	

	First of all sorry for contacting you on personal id. I am badly
stuck and not seeing any help coming from anywhere so took this step.
	I have developed a plugin by extending RSE and CDT which
understands the environment here. Also provided compile option.
	Now I am trying to induce indexing facilities. 
	Problem due to which I can not go for CDT local indexing - 

				- Since I am dealing with remote
resources, either maintaining local copy of project or creating a remote
project and indexing it, takes lot of bandwidth and time.

	Solution I thought of - Remote Indexing.
	I am going through the documents related with remote indexing.
	Please suggest if I am going for the right solution and if i can
have any other solution.
	I am also thinking of trying out some POC so please direct me
with any material, instructions, guidelines or any help document.
	As I was going through the link
	I also found that some prototyping work on remote indexing has
done. I would be grateful if that can be shared.
	Since there is not much of documentation available, I am stuck
and really hoping for reply. 
	Thanks in advance.
	- Vrushali.

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