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Re: [ptp-dev] launching remote proxy script

I did some testing to locate the problem:

Say, I have a script in /Users/fwang2/tmp/test.rb, which load an external module file, mylib.rb.

To launch this in Java world:

try {

  ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("/Users/fwang2/tmp/test.rb");
  Process p = pb.start();

This will reproduce the error I saw earlier. I tried two ways to fix this, first in Ruby script itself, I tried to ask it to look at current directory for any external file, which is actually the default behavior, doesn't work; Append an explicit loading path, doesn't work either, which is a bit strange.

The second way is to make slight modification on Java launch: After ProcessBuilder instance "pb" is created, change the working directory to where the main program gets started: File("/Users/fwang2/tmp"));

Now the LoadError is gone. I am guessing the current launch process ignores where the executable is, and take user's home directory as its working directory. Is it so?


Greg Watson wrote:
I guess the issue is how ruby finds the libraries that it needs. If it's just looking in the current working directory, then this could be the problem. There's no guarantee that the cwd is the same as the location of the executable. Is there some way to specify where to look?


On Oct 31, 2007, at 4:41 PM, Feiyi Wang wrote:

Using local service provider. The exact console message is as following:

Launch command: [/home/fwang2/workspace/ptp/org.eclipse.ptp.moab.proxy/src/ptp_moab_proxy.rb, --proxy=tcp,, --port=57964, ]
accept thread starting...
MOAB@LocalProxyRuntimeClient: Waiting on accept.
MOAB@Local: /home/fwang2/workspace/ptp/org.eclipse.ptp.moab.proxy/src/ptp_moab_proxy.rb:4:in `require': no such file to load -- proxylib (LoadError) MOAB@Local: from /home/fwang2/workspace/ptp/org.eclipse.ptp.moab.proxy/src/ptp_moab_proxy.rb:4

proxylib.rb is a local file residing in the same directory as ptp_moab_proxy.rb. This seems to be the case for every file I try to load at runtime.


Greg Watson wrote:
Do you mean RSE launching onto local host, or using the Local service provider?
What is the error message?
On Oct 31, 2007, at 4:06 PM, Feiyi Wang wrote:
Hmm ... problem is, It gave me this error even with a local launch, without ssh involvement.


Greg Watson wrote:
No, but I haven't tried it with the remote support. Remember that when you run a command via ssh, it will not load your .profile, .bash_profile, .login, etc.). Any environment variables that need to be set up have to be done in your rc file (.bashrc, .cshrc, etc.)
On Oct 31, 2007, at 3:28 PM, Feiyi Wang wrote:
hi, Greg -

I have a remote proxy (a ruby script) that implemented wire protocol 2.0. If I run the script in manual mode, then all is fine; if in auto mode, then there is error complaining about failing to locate certain files, be it a library file or my own module file. In python world, this would be like when you do "import certain_module", and the interpreter complains that there is error with the file you are trying to import.

I suspect this has to do with some environment setup, without looking into the specifics, when you worked on proxy for MPICH, have you experienced anything similar?



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