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Re: [ptp-dev] PTP enhancements to support LoadLeveler

On Jul 18, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Dave Wootton wrote:

We have some success now with seeing job and node status from LoadLeveler in the PTP views. There are some enhancements we think would be useful to
LoadLeveler and other resource managers as well as some questions


1) LoadLeveler has a number of statuses for a job and node beyond the
simple running and exited that I am using for PE. We originally talked
about adding additional icons or different colored icons to represent
those statuses, but we think there are too many for this to be a good
idea. We're thinking that if the job and machine view could be enhanced to allow flyover/tooltip help for each icon in the view. That text could be used to display additional status. We are also thinking this status would be sent from the proxy as an additional, optional, attribute to node and
job change events. Each time job or node status changed we would send
across a new event. The tooltip text would present whatever thye last
additional status for that node or job was. It might make sense to extend
this to machine and task objects as well, but we don't have a need for
these to support LoadLeveler.

Nodes already have a 'nodeExtraState' attribute that can be used to change the node icon to reflect additional job-scheduler related states. I could extend this to any model elements that are normally displayed as icons. Currently the tooltip for nodes shows the 'name' attribute. It would probably be nice if the attributes that could be displayed in the tooltip were customizable, and also available on any model element as well.

Off the top of my head, here's what we could do:

1. Add an 'xxxExtraState' attribute to each model element. This is just so there is something there already.

2. Add a tooltip attribute to each model element. This would be a string set containing the names of attributes to display in the tooltip. The presence or absence of this attribute would turn tooltips on or off. Now I think about it, I'm not sure there is any way to *remove* an attribute. We may have to add something.

3. Add tooltips to each model element that is normally displayed as an icon, keyed to the tooltip attribute.

2) LoadLeveler can provide additional, detailed information on a submitted
job, such as resources allocated to a job, reason why a job is not
running, etc that we think would be useful to the user. Our thinking here is that the user could right click on an entry in the job view and get a popup menu witt 'detailed status' as one choice. Selecting that results in a command to the proxy requesting status. The proxy sends back an event with the detailed status. The GUI proceses that event and opens a popup, scrollable, window displaying that status (or maybe put this info in a new
PTP view)

Or you could just send these as attributes on the job. Attributes are already displayed in the Properties view (Window->Show View- >Properties) when you select a machine. I could change this so it worked with any model element you selected. This wouldn't require adding any new commands. Would this work for you?

3) It looks like the job view uses task indices starting at 0. LoadLeveler
identifies the application tasks in a parallel application using their
task rank 0..n-1 and uses -1 for the master (poe) process of the
application as well as -1 for the sole task of a serial application. Is it possible to modify the definition of task index to allow -1 (and maybe an
arbitary lower linit)

I'll take a look, but I don't think there will be a problem. The 'processIndex' attribute is used to calculate the ruler, so I think this would need to be updated to work with negative indices.

1) Is the PID attribute to a process mandatory? This information is not provided to us by LoadLeveler, so we would like to omit it, or use '-1' as the pid if none is provided. We could also live with a requirement that we send pid 0, but that woulod be a bit inconsistent with task index where we
have -1 as a task index.

I don't think so, but it shouldn't be in any case. It's only displayed in the tooltip and on the process details page (when you double click on a process icon). If you don't supply one then I think these are just blank.

I also have a couple bugs which I will log in bugzilla when I get a chance



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