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Re: [ptp-dev] Minimum expected display size for Eclipse user?

Thanks, Wyatt & Beth

Wyatt - was your use of ScrolledComposite as a child (directly or 
indirectly) of a CTabPane or was it a different hierarchy?

I've looked at both examples and am pretty confident I am following the 
examples in my code but it still doesn't work.

I think the problem is that the resize events are not making it far enough 
down the widget hierarchy to reach my ScrolledComposite widget. I wrote 
some debug code that starts with the Composite widget that is the 
immediate child of my ScrolledComposite and iterates up the parent list. 
As I iterate, I use widget.setData("ID", String.valueOf(n++)) to set a 
unique identifier for each widget, and register my ControlListener. So my 
Composite is id 0, and the ScrolledComposite id 1, etc.

createControl() apparently gets called somewhere in the initial display of 
the launch configuration, before I click the parallel tab, as I can see a 
set of resize events that reach my ScrolledComposite, then a second set 
starting from the Shell widget (id 19) to the immediate child of a 
CTabFolder widget (id 7). When I click the parallel tab, I then see resize 
events the rest of the way to my Composite (id 0). I'm guessing this is 
all part of the initial layout of the panel.

When I manually resize the launch configuration panel, I see more resize 
events starting from the Shell down to the child Composite of the 
CTabFolder (id 7), and no further. The only way I see any more resize 
events sent to my ScrolledComposite and Composite is if I click another 
tab, such as debug, and then the parallel tab again, but even then it's 
not resizing properly

I'll keep looking, but am just wondering someone might recognize a 
possible restriction here. I'm sort of guessing a CTabFolder might not 
like anyone trying to resize subordinate widgets and refuses to forward 
resize events to them. If the ScrolledPane widget isn't getting resize 
events, I can understand why scrollbars might not work.

The one thing I am not doing that is in some examples is setting a layout 
manager on the container (parent) of my ScrolledComposite because in my 
case, the parent is a TabbedFolder widget, and I suspect I can't set a 
layout manager on it and expect it to work right.

Maybe ScrolledComposites just hate me :-(


wspear <wspear@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
05/31/2007 04:31 PM
Please respond to
Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Parallel Tools Platform general developers" <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: [ptp-dev] Minimum expected display size for Eclipse user?


I'm not sure if this is applicable to your situation, but when I was 
creating scrollable tabs for the TAU plugins, this was how I did it.  I 
found it looked better having each tab scroll individually, rather than 
putting the entire tab-group in a scrollable composite.  That avoids 
having a lot of blank space on the bottom of tabs shorter than the longest 
tab.  The tricky bit, I found, was making sure to specify a 'sane' minimum 
size.  This only applies to vertical scrolling, but it should be easy to 
apply it to horizontal. 


       //Define the top level composite and tab parent
       Composite comp = new Composite(parent, SWT.NONE);//parent provided 
as an argument
        FillLayout topLayout = new FillLayout(); 
        TabFolder tabParent = new TabFolder(comp, SWT.BORDER);

//Repeat approximately the following for every tab:

        TabItem anaTab = new TabItem(tabParent, SWT.NULL );
        anaTab.setText("Tab Label");

        ScrolledComposite scrollAna = new 
        Composite anaComp = new Composite(scrollAna, SWT.NONE );

        anaComp.setLayout(createGridLayout(1, false, 0, 0));
        anaComp.setLayoutData(spanGridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL, 5));

//Insert all of your actual tab content here, using anaComp as the parent 
//Conclude the tab area with this (adjusting names as necessary for 
individual tabs):

//This gets the approximate height of the composite as rendered; a good 
minSize for the scroller
        int anaCompHeight=anaComp.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT).y;
        scrollAna.setMinSize(400, anaCompHeight);
        scrollAna.setExpandHorizontal (true);

On 5/31/07, Beth Tibbitts <tibbitts@xxxxxxxxxx > wrote:
There's a decent example here

But that's from the eclipse help which Doug said didn't help....
it's just that this is a better example than most eclipse help anyways. 
It explains two different way to use it.
I have *not* tried this, so take it for whatever it's worth, possibly


Beth Tibbitts  (859) 243-4981  (TL 545-4981)
High Productivity Tools / Parallel Tools
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 455 Park Place, Lexington, KY 40511

             Doug Schaefer
             < DSchaefer@xxxxxx
             m>                                                         To
             Sent by:                  Parallel Tools Platform general
             ptp-dev-bounces@e         developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

             05/31/2007 04:01          RE: [ptp-dev] Minimum expected
             PM                        display size for Eclipse user?

             Please respond to
              Parallel Tools
             Platform general

ScrolledComposite is evil. The last time I tried, I just kept hacking away
at the options until it worked. And even then it didn't work exactly how I
wanted. There must be examples out there. The Eclipse help didn't help at 

Doug Schaefer, QNX Software Systems
Eclipse CDT Project Lead,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Behalf Of Dave Wootton
> Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:31 PM
> To: Parallel Tools Platform general developers 
> Subject: Re: [ptp-dev] Minimum expected display size for Eclipse user?
> Some more info:
> I added a ControlListener to 'parent', and to my ScrolledComposite and
> Composite objects, with a println in the controlResized() method. I see 
> resize events for the ScrolledComposite each time createControl() is
> invoked, and where 'parent' and my top level Composite don't get resize
> events. When I resize the launch configuration pane manually, I don't 
> any resize events at all for any of these three widgets. It seems a
> level widget might be getting them. This could explain why my scrollbars
> don't work.
> Dave
> Dave Wootton/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS
> Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 05/31/2007 03:19 PM
> Please respond to
> Parallel Tools Platform general developers < ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
> Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc 
> Subject
> Re: [ptp-dev] Minimum expected display size for Eclipse user?
> I'm trying to make this work with a scrollbar but I'm missing something. 

> Originally, my code in createControl() was createing a Compoiste object
> which I then filled in with a TabPane and a couple other widgets, where
> the parent of this Composite object was the Composite object passed as 
> 'parent' in the createControl() invocation.
> I've now changed my code to create a ScrolledComposite object as the
> immediate child of 'parent, then use the ScrolledComposite object as the 

> parent of my top level Composite object, also calling
> ScrolledComposite.setContent() so that the ScrolledComposite object 
> what it contains. Once I fully populate my top level Composite object, I 

> call computeSize() and setSize() on the Composite and then
> setMinimumSize() on the ScrolledComposite, where I think I am following
> case 2 in the online help for ScrolledComposite.
> I end up with a display, with scroll bars, since I also call 
> setAlwaysShowScrollBars() for now, However, the scroll bars are always
> full height, and my Composite does not scroll, as if the
> always thinks its big enough to display all of my Composite object. If I 

> shring the launch configuration panel, then the bottom of my Composite
> object gets clipped. If I omit the call to setContent(), then the
> scrollbars are able to scroll, but my Composite object doesn't scroll. 
> I must be missing something obvious, but don't know what.
> Dave
> Beth Tibbitts/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
> Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> 05/31/2007 01:01 PM
> Please respond to
> Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
> Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [ptp-dev] Minimum expected display size for Eclipse user? 
> Yes I vote for scrollbar.
> 1024x768 will always be needed, especially for LCD projectors and demos.
> ...Beth
> Beth Tibbitts  (859) 243-4981  (TL 545-4981) 
> High Productivity Tools / Parallel Tools
> IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
> Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 455 Park Place, Lexington, KY 40511 
>              "Randy M.
>              Roberts"
>              <rsqrd@xxxxxxxx>
>              Sent by:                  ptp-dev < ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>              ptp-dev-bounces@e
>                                        Re: [ptp-dev] Minimum expected
>              05/31/2007 12:01          display size for Eclipse user?
>              PM
>              Please respond to 
>               Parallel Tools
>              Platform general
>                 developers
>              <ptp-dev@eclipse.
>                    org>
> Dave,
> Can you add a scrollbar?
> R^2
> On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 11:49 -0400, Dave Wootton wrote:
> > Is there an expected minimum display size for Eclipse users? I'm 
> > at a launch configuration panel parallel tab with my implementation of
> > AbstractRMLaunchConfigurationDynamicTab, and it looks like it is too
> tall
> > for a 1024x768 resolution display on my laptop. I removed the calls to 

> > createVerticalSpacer() in the ParallelTab class, and the launch
> > configuration panel barely fits afterward. If ParallelTab provided an
> > option to remove the queue dropdown, as well as the machine dropdown, 
> that
> > would help in cases where I don't need either.
> >
> > If this needs to run on a 1024x768 display, then I probably need to
> create
> > more tabs in my panel and move some fields around. Is 1024x768 
> considered
> > usable for Eclipse?
> > Dave
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